Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How To Work Spells - Love Spells

Hi everyone! To follow off on the last post, and the book, I'm mainly going to explain love spells to you, because they can be easily confused about what they are used for and how to use them correctly. If the information stuff doesn't bore any of you, then I might put the practice spell at the bottom. Don't forget to put this in your Book of Shadows if you want and we'll get started!

So, pay close attention, because love spells, when done correctly, are extremely potent and powerful. They can do a lot of things; positive and negative, so you better watch what you are doing first.

Each culture has their own kind of love magic, but the ultimate purpose is really the same: to find, keep, and enhance love through magic. Love spells have been practiced for centuries on every continent, by almost every culture, so it's kind of widely known.

Believe it or not, love magic is actually everywhere you go. It may have been that you have even practiced some kind and form of love magic before. If you have ever worn jewelry to make yourself more attractive, then guess what? You have used a love charm! If you spray on perfume or cologne, it probably contains some aphrodisiac flowers or smells...and, yes, that's a love potion! And if you've ever read your horoscope in the paper to get advice about your love life, well...you're using divination!

Love magic is all a round us. And really, any time that you consciously choose to do something to make yourself attractive, or to attract someone special, you are sending out your own personal love vibrations. And you are invoking a kind of love magic. But because love magic is so powerful, it must be taken seriously. Love is such a powerful force that anyone who tried to play around with love spells incorrectly may find themselves getting burned.

There are many things love spells can do for you. They can make you more desirable and attractive. They can send out vibrations to attract a specific person. They can put out positive energy that will attract your soul mate. And they can create the perfect atmosphere for love to grow. But once the spark of love is ignited, the rest is up to you and your partner. Because even the most powerful love spells have their limits.

A love spell can bring two people together, but it can't force someone to love you. And a love spell cannot keep two people together against their will. Remember the Wiccan Rede I mentioned before "Harm none." When you use love magic to interfere with another person's free will, you are causing them harm. Make sure, like REALLY MAKE SURE, that the love spell you want to do does not interfere with someone's free will. NEVER attempt to use love magic to manipulate someone else's emotions. Not only does this violate the Rede, but it also falls into the category of black magic.

So, before you really do your first love spell, here are some things that should  be useful information:

Most witches recommend that you perform love spells to attract love in general, not a specific person. This way you avoid the problem of interfering with free will.

If you DO have someone specific in mind, then you can cast a spell to attract that person, with the intent that it should work ONLY if you are right for each other and no harm will come of it. If you have sincere intentions, then you can safely cast a love spell for a specific person. But be prepared to accept that the spell will not work if you are not right for each other. If the person you have in mind is not your true love, then the spell won't work.

A very important component of magic is emotion, feeling, and concentration. A love spell will not be effective unless you have very strong feelings about what you are attempting to do. This may all sound WAY too serious, but just think about it like this:

Love is the MOST powerful feeling in the world. And magic is extremely powerful too. When you put the two together, wouldn't you want to do it the right way?

The best time to do a love spell, is on a Friday, while the moon is waxing (or getting bigger). When doing love spells, they will be a lot more powerful if you visualize and concentrate on the desired results of your spell.

And when you are about to do something, your rituals and spells should be kept as secret as possible. Don't share what you are doing with people who will just laugh at you or mock you. You don't need those kinds of  negative people messing with your energy. Keeping your spells and rituals as private as possible will give it more meaning to you and make it even MORE important, and they will be more effective.

So, I think that we can actually look at a REAL love spell. I'll do my best to keep it simple, but when you do spells, you follow them like they own your life, because you want them to go right in every way possible. And remember that you want to FEEL for the spell: feel the love you want, have, and need/desire. Picture the most amazing memory of love and let it surround you and fill you. Think of doing a spell kind of like a play. You have to BE the role and part in order to make it more effective.

What You Will Need:

  • a) Two candles, preferably red or pink (one for you, one for he lover) 
  • b) Candle holders 
  • c) Paper 
  • d) Scissors 
  • e) A pen or pencil

  • What You Will Need To Do:

    Write your names on two pieces of paper which stand underneath the candle holder. On a third piece of paper, write both your names and draw a circle around them.

    Place the candles about a foot apart on their respective pieces of paper, with the third piece of paper exactly in the center.

    Light your candle first and say:

    Burn bright, burn true,
    heart of (your name)

    Then light the other and say:

    Burn bright, burn true, 
    heart of (lover's name)

    If you have a wand, trace a figure of eight around the two candles, making sure to cross over exactly each time over the third piece of paper. If you don't, use the original inbuilt human wand - your index finger.

    Say with each pass slowly:

    A meeting of two hearts
    if it is ordained
    must come to pass. 

    Stop, take a deep breath in and out, and start on the second set. Three passes again, full fig. eight around the candles.

    Let no-one and nothing
    stand in the way
    of the meeting of two hearts. 

    Stop, take a deep breath and start the 3rd set of 3 passes.

    Two hearts beat as one
    it is my will
    and it is done. 

    Now sit down and focus on the paper with the circle and both your names which is the power focus of this ritual.

    See yourself and the lover together, being honest and true together, talking, making love, making decisions. Just you and her, keep that completely clear and powerful in your mind.

    When you are ready, move both candles together and tip them so their flames combine. Take the circle paper and say:

    My will is transferred
    my spell has been heard
    As I will, so mote it be. 

    Burn the circle paper in the single flame.

    Blow out the single flame as one.

    Wrap the candles and the name papers in tissue and dispose of them. 

    Remember, you are only doing this spell with GOOD INTENTIONS. Taking a person's free will is basically a spiritual crime that will haunt you for a very very long time. Be careful if you ever think about doing this spell or any other love spells. Blessed be.

    Sunday, May 26, 2013

    How To Work Spells - Introduction Exercise

    Alright everyone, merry meet, and let's get started! Today we are going to be learning more about spells: making them, using them, all the shabam! The book that I will be using is called Wicca Power Spells by Aurora; I'm just taking concepts from it, so don't worry and I will be including some other cool stuff. You may want to take some notes and write this stuff in your Book of Shadows so it can help you later! So, let's get started!

    When you use magic (please don't judge before you hear me out!) don't be mislead or misunderstood about it. Magic is not supernatural. Magic is actually one of the most natural forces in the world! Only people who fear it call it supernatural, so try to learn what magic really is and how to respect it, because there's nothing to be afraid of if you respect it.

    Magic is considered the projection of natural energies to produce needed effects. Say you are doing a love spell just to make yourself more attractive to someone; the energy required for that is positive and love energy. Where better to get that energy from than the Earth? The energy that it gives off is natural and clean (except what us humans have done to it).

    There are three main sources of energy in the Universe (but let's just stick to the world for now so it's not a lot to take in). It's important to know what kinds of energy we are talking about when we cast spells.

    The first kind is personal energy. This is our own personal life force. We take in energy from the sun, water, and food, and we release it through exercise, movement, and even as we exhale.

    The second type of energy is earth energy. This is the energy found within our planet. Each natural element has its own power which can be used in magic: earth, trees, stones, wind, fire, and crystals are some examples of earth energy.

    The third, most powerful type of energy, is divine power. This is the energy that makes up the entire Universe (world). This is higher power energy, life force-whatever you want to call it. It's the universal (world) power source, and it's what we tap into when we perform magic.

    Those times when we just say a simple, quick chant, we are performing magic. Either to protect us, to help us pass a test, or to feel confident, magic is being used.

    When using a spell, there's one, very important, VERY, to concentrate! You have to focus on what it is that you really want when you cast a spell and you have to really feel it! You can't just burn some candles and say some magic words-you have to actually MEAN what you say.

    And keep very well in mind to remember the Wiccan Rede. Even though some of you won't be following the Wiccan path, it's not against the rules to mix and match things like a really awesome and personalized outfit, because there are no rules about that! Still, remember that when you cast a spell, it's not supposed to harm anyone! If you intend your spells to harm someone, you will create negative energy. This means your spells are going to backfire on you or have consequences that you did not intend. YOU ARE WARNED!

    Now, let's talk about the divine powers that should help us with our spells. In Wicca, Wiccans believe in a lord and a lady, a god and goddess. For us/you, you can use different deities. Like the last post I did, it can be your patrons or it can be totally different gods that are required for you spell. It doesn't mean you need to believe in them in order to practice spells, but you need to be able to focus on a higher power, and the power of nature. If you can do this, then you are on a roll!

    Keep in mind that magic is working with higher powers of the Universe (world) to create a better world for you or for others. It all depends on who or what your spell(s) are intended for.

    While reading this book, I read that there are certain tools needed in order to cast spells. This is news to me and this may be news to you, so let's get a look at that list!

    Believe it or not, some of the tools needed are actually used to stereotype witches: the broomstick, the cauldron, and the magic wand, all are important parts to certain rituals. Here's what they are used for:

    The broom is used to purify and cleanse the space you are doing magic in. As you sweep, you are sweeping away any bad energy that can interfere with your magic. A classic broom is made of ash, birch, and willow. These kind of woods are protective and purifying. Of course, any broom will do the job, so you don't have anything to worry about.

    A magic wand is used to direct and channel energy, and to invoke the god and goddess. You can use just about any fairly straight piece of wood as your magic wand. You may decide to decorate your wand, carve it or paint it as you choose. Make it special to you and feel free to personalize it.

    Another important tool for casting spells is incense. Our sense of smell is very powerful, and certain smells create very potent magical effects. You can use stick or cone incense, or buy a special granulated kind from occult stores. (Specific spells will call for specific scents, so watch out in case you want those exact ones.)

    The cauldron is the container in which transformations occur. It is your very own tool for creation. Usually, cauldrons are made of iron and rests on three legs, but they are kind of hard to find, so you can always brew whatever it is you need in a pot on the stove or a substitute. Remember, it's the intention that matters when it comes to magic!

    Candles are very important when practicing magic. Most spells require you to light candles, or use them to contain energy. You can use any candles you wish, although certain spells will require a specific color. We'll get more into that later, but not too much later. Herbs and essential oils are also important for spell casting and potion making. so watch out for those too.

    You will also need a place to practice you magic; your alter. I have already gone over what it is that you should need for this, so don't worry about this!

    Last, but not least at all, is your Book of Shadows. This is your personal book of magic and a record of everything you do (a combination of your personal journal and a spell book). This I have also went over, so if you have already created your amazing, elaborate Book of Shadows, great! If you haven't, that's still good, you can use a substitute notebook and then place all your information into it. I suggest, this I forgot to add, that you write your spells and things in hand because it makes it more personal, but if not that doesn't disrupt the magic! Don't worry!

    When doing a spell, two common elements that is included during a spell are the magic circle and the alter. The circle is a powerful tool. It's the space where you magic will happen. It is a sacred space that only you can create for yourself. The magic circle protects the witch from the forces that he or she is raising. It's also used to shut out any energy or forces from outside which will interfere with the ritual. The circle also contains your own personal power while you are working magic, holding and channeling it for your purposes. Essentially, the circle creates the atmosphere for all the magic you will do. It is a sphere of energy that forms the boundaries of your magical space. As you set up your circle, try to feel its energy moving around you. focus on creating your perfect magical space, the place where you can access your true power.

    Now, let's talk about "raising your power" stuff. There are different ways to tap into the power that runs through your veins. First of all, anyone can cast a powerful magical spell. If you think you're not powerful enough, or not magical enough, or you're still skeptical about this, don't worry! You will be able to perform very effective magic, if you can follow some pretty simple instructions.

    There is a very important principle that underlies all magic spells you perform; some people call it The Secret or the Law of Attraction, but the point is you WILL attract what you think about and focus on. That is how powerful your mind is! If you focus on protection, like you REALLY focus, then it will be given. Call it Faith if you'd like, but it's not just faith in the divine or in the Earth, it's mainly faith in yourself. And if you do not of faith in yourself, your spells will not work. You have to put your ENTIRE BEING into achieving your goal.

    Here is an example: making negative statements WILL cancel out any positive energy created by your spell. This basically means that the spell won't work. How great is that? (Sarcasm). When you cast a spell, you need to be CONFIDENT that it WILL work, that it WILL succeed. In fact, the more confident you are, the more successful your spell is likely to be.

    --->So I can tell that you are just SO excited to tap into that river or power that flows right through you, am I right? Great! Let's start with an exercise. First, we are going to tap into our personal energy. Find a comfortable place to sit and make your breathing long, deep, and slow; like meditation. 

    FEEL your body relax and your mind get quiet; begin to ignore the outside world and its problems, tune into yourself. Now, start rubbing your palms together, taking deep and calming breaths. Do this for about twenty seconds, or when you feel like stopping. Start slowly, and then rub faster and faster; go at the tempo you want/need though. Now, feel your muscles begin to tense up. Feel your palms begin to get warmer. Stop. Hold your palms about two inches apart. Can you feel them tingling? This is the energy that you have built and released, and it's now flowing through your hands!

    Once you have created this energy, you can now try to manipulate it. Using your mind and powers of visualization, give this energy a color, like your favorite color. Form it into a ball of pulsing energy and let it move between your hands. Now, you can make it bigger or smaller as you choose. And finally you can choose to let it return to your body. Simply let it flow back into your palms into your arms, and be absorbed by your body again.

    Once you have practiced with your personal energy, it's time to start sensing Earth energy. For this exercise, find a plant. Any herbs,plants, or flowers will work-but it's better if they are still growing, not cut. Now, breathe deeply for a few moments and, like before, relax yourself. Hold your left palm a few inches above the plant now. Focus your awareness on your palm. Think about the following: what do you feel? Is it a dull throbbing, a hum, a wave of heat, or a kind of energy shift in your hand? If you can feel something different, then you are feeling the energy of the plant. You can do this exercise with any natural object: stones, crystals, and trees for example. They all have their own earth energy.

    For many reasons, it's better to draw energy from the earth and other natural objects when you are performing magic. Using your personal energy is very draining and this enhances your own power with earth energy, making your spells more effective.

    The power, as you may guess, comes from the divine. When you perform magic, you are asking the divine to contribute this power to your spell. You may be able to sense this incredible power as you are doing a spell. Over all, divine energy is what makes magic truly magical.

    To help, let's just get an idea of what we learned in this post:
    You have learned more about the meaning of magic
    You have learned all bout the three types of energy and how to tap into them
    You have learned exercises to help yourself feel this energy
    You have learned of the supplies needed to perform magic
    You are ready to practice real, effective spells
    Blessed Be!

    Tuesday, May 21, 2013

    Finding Your Patron God/Goddess

    This subject is kind of touchy, because there are a lot of things that can happen. It may take a while before your patron actually chooses you, and in a lot of cases people often get agitated and impatient about finding their own God or Goddess that chooses them, or they may choose you instantly. Nobody really knows when it comes to the Gods, but they do know what they are doing, most of the time. In this blog, I will show you some videos about what exactly to look for when finding your Patron God/ Goddess and what to do. The number one thing NOT to do is freak out about why they haven't contacted you, because it doesn't help you or your case.

    Why Have A Patron God
    For most Pagans their Patron God is not some far off entity. This is a being that they have a strong personal relationship with. This is who they call upon when doing rituals and spells, if they practice magic within their beliefs. A Patron God provides guidance and support as they grow and develop in their own spiritual and religious practice. So far, I haven't found my own Patron(s), but I am patient, and so should you all be, because time is a strange thing to think of. For us, there isn't much time, but for them they have all the time they could ever need, they don't really realize the time it is until "whoops! that human that I really liked is about to die and I didn't get the chance to tell him that I liked him" or something. 

    How Do They Choose You?
    At some point when you become Pagan, or sometimes even before, the Gods begin to take notice of you. Gradually, those of you who they have a greater affinity for pay closer attention and may start coming to you in your dreams or through other means. Some Gods may decide to "test" you. This isn't to prove your worthiness, far from it. That is a concept conceived in the idea that people are inherently unworthy and must prove themselves otherwise. These tests are more to make sure that you are capable of handling the energies that particular God may bring into your life by combining His energies with yours.

    How Do They Reach Out For You?
    Sometimes they can be very blatant and in your face. They may all of a sudden, with no warning, just come to you while you dream or while you are awake. They are Gods, they do what they please, so be careful of what happens, because they could just all of a sudden take over you (not too badly though for you to be afraid). The ways they can be varied. You must let yourself remain open to hearing, seeing, smelling, or otherwise experiencing the messages they are sending you. If you get sensations that make you uncomfortable, do not be afraid to tell whoever is sending these things to you to go and leave you alone. You are not obligated to accept any messages you do not want to receive. And, frankly, just because you are receiving messages does not mean they are from Gods or even from benevolent beings, so you may want to watch out. 

    An example of strange sensations would be what happens to me sometimes. Every now and then I will get this really strange sensation in my ear. It kind of goes all static and I can't hear anything out of it for a while. A few months ago a read an article that it may be spirits talking to me, so I tried talking back, telling them to go away, and it eventually did, but now I know that it wasn't spirits, but it still happens in the most unexpected of timings.

    Once A God Tries To Contact You
    When you start getting these messages however they may come it is time to start your investigations. If you have a clear idea on who it is, then find all the information you can on that particular God and study Him, or Her, in depth. Look in books, on the internet, record your dreams if He is coming to you in that way. Meditate. Ask questions and listen for His answers.If these messages are coming to you as symbols, then you have a bit more work to do. You'll need to pull out your reference books and websites and find out what you can about the symbolism of what you are smelling, seeing, or otherwise sensing or experiencing. Listen to your gut instincts here as well. If you find yourself being drawn towards one particular Pantheon over another then look that direction. People have reported seeing a particular bird a lot, in situations where they wouldn't normally expect to see that bird. Or hearing a particular sound, or having repeating dreams. While you can seek guidance from outside sources such as books or by asking questions of other people, the ultimate answer of Who it is trying to contact you will come from within your own heart.

    This video should give more of an insight to how to find your Patron.

    This video is an example of someone who had found their Matron and just more ways to look into finding yours.

    This video is to explain a concept of how your Patrons don't HAVE to be exactly the same and have to be people who are coupled together. Like, say if you get Durga from the Hindu religion and Apollo. They aren't Gods that have been set together, but that doesn't matter, because they don't have to. Just watch the video and you'll probably understand better. 

    Blessed be!

    Monday, May 20, 2013

    Making An Altar

    This is something I haven't done because of the fact that I don't have any money to buy stuff for this, my parents/family members can't find it, and it doesn't seem like I have space for this stuff. Okay, that's kind of a white lie, but there seriously isn't any place I can put my own alter because I share a bedroom & bunk bed with my seventeen year old sister who hates the fact that I am Pagan. And my bedroom is basically my step-mom's computer/cat room. Yes, it smells of bad cat litter, but I'm used to it right now. So, I started looking for easy and crafty ways for us Teen Witches and other Pagans could make some pretty cool alters.

    I won't post the entire article, but it's called Be A Crafty Teen Witch by Gwinevere Rain  and she wrote about how most Teen Witches have a budget, which is REALLY true, so the best time, she advises, to get stuff is the after Halloween sales. There are a lot of stores that have some pretty good Halloween clearence sections that can be used for alters, but we also have to get CREATIVE. That probably means going to yard sales around town and finding items (snow globes, china dolls, glass figures, flowers, etc) that we like, define us or what we believe to be the Goddess and God. Also, we can just go around and find plants and natural things that we can use. 

    Here is a video that gives examples of different alter ideas and what you should do with/for your alter.

    And this video is like any teenager witch that will help you to understand why and what to put on your alter. Some of the things on here may not matter to Pagans, but if you want you can include whatever you want because this is YOUR ALTER.

    And here is a picture so that you can get a better look to how to set up your alter. Like I said, I haven't set one up yet, but hopefully, soon, I can and I'll be able to take pictures for you guys! Well, good luck, and start thinking about what you want to put on your alters. In the next couple of posts, I will explain to you the esbats and moon phases and then I will explain about how to find your own Goddess and God. It's more of a Wiccan thing, just so you know, but since there are many cultures that have many Gods, you have a lot of chances of getting picked. I've heard that you get picked and that you get to pick or someone picks for you, but that's for later. Alright, well good luck and have fun!

    Sunday, May 19, 2013

    Book of Shadows- To Do And To Make

    Let's take a small and quick break here. I'm going to help all of you create your own Book of Shadows. Mainly, the Book of Shadows comes from the Wiccan religion, but I think that it's best to use it for whatever any of you want, because it will be the book where you store all your knowledge about spells, rituals, holidays, how to use things, etc. And a Book of Shadows is used for your personal self and you can pass it on to your children and their children, to follow the generations. My Book of Shadows I started about three years ago, and I haven't really added on because I wasn't really sure about joining my religion. Now that I am, I am not only going to add on to it, but I'll make it pretty amazing. In my book of shadows, I have a number of different spells I can use for any occasion, such as healing spells, beauty, luck, protection, etc. I need to really get all the information modernized because most of it isn't up to date, but I plan to make it really stand out.

    For your book of shadows, you can either write in a blank book or you can type it. I usually type it because I can type faster, but I like to write, so I may do both! But you can do whichever you prefer. I'm going to post a video to help all of you to help give a general idea of what your Book of Shadows some thickness. If you don't want a Book of Shadows because you are afraid that your parents will find it or something, that is perfectly fine. There is actually a way to "code" it, if you know what I mean. But here is the video, and after that you can check out how I code things. There will be a video about an idea of things that you should put in  your Book of Shadows and there will be one for some idea of ways for you to make your Book of Shadows full of life and more interesting.

    When you look at these two videos below, think about the different ways she personalized her Book of Shadows; how she made it fit to what she likes, how she made it more interesting, how she took into consideration of matching colors to their spells. If you have ever seen the Spiderwick Chronicles, think about Arthur Spiderwick's book that tells about the Fae creatures and how he made included flowers Faeries might have liked or some plant samples. Go outside the box if you want to!!!

    In this next video, take account of how Flora has set up her Book of Shadows and all the things she has included to her Book of Shadows.

    Now, if any of you are interested in "coding" your Book of Shadows, please continue down to below, the rest of you, enjoy setting up your book of shadows and good luck! Because I know I have some future ideas for my Book of Shadows.

    Coding Your Book Of Shadows.
    The form of code that I use is simple for me, because the day I learned it I used it OVER AND OVER because I was just so excited about it, and I will show it to you today. Just to warn you, it's a little like math. It's something new, like algebra, that you are learning and when you keep practicing and practicing over and over again you aren't sure about getting it until BAM!!! it clicks!

    With this exercise, you will need a piece of paper (doesn't matter what kind) and something to write with. Now, on your piece of paper, make two rows of twenty-six columns. On the bottom row, write the letters of the alphabets in order. When you are finished with that, stop. Now, you will have to think of a word. For now, just a simple one. Like TOE. So write TOE in the first three columns at the top. What you do now, is continue writing the alphabet after the E. If you look at the example below, yours should be correct as well. (When you continue the alphabet order, the next letter you get to is O, skip it and move on to P and the same goes for T; skip it and go to U).

    Now, let's try something a bit more challenging. Let's use the word MAYBE. Do the exact same format as you did before, then write MAYBE at the top and continue off of that. If you get the concept, your table should look like below:

    If you got that, then great! I'll explain to you the next process. The next step is words with two of the same letters in them, like APPLE. Since we have to stick to the twenty-six letter rule, we won't put APPLE at the top row, but we'll put APLE at the top. Since there is a double letter, we have to take out the one that appears second. So go off like you originally would while using APLE. It should look like this:

     If you got that, awesome! Now let's try the word PURPLE. What we'll do, since the letters aren't next to each other, we'll still take out the second letter and it will look like PURLE. Use the same process and it should look like this:

    If you want to look at a better way to example it, here is a picture:

    And that is how to use my way of coding. If there are other ways you would like to use, instead of using letter against letter, you can use symbols, numbers. colors, anything! The sky is the limit!

    So, good luck everyone! If you would like, please post some other ideas that you have or some pictures of your own Book of Shadows. When I get mine together and actually have some money, I'll show all you guys! Blessed be!

    Saturday, May 18, 2013

    Divination 101 - Runes

    I will make this very sweet and simple for all of you, since I don't have very much time right now (end of the school year finals!). Runes are basically symbols on stones, and they are also a way of telling the future. I have never used these before, but hopefully I will be able to, but I will give you the symbols, their meanings and there is a video to back it up, but it isn't showing up, so I will give you guys the website and hopefully you all enjoy! (And the reversed meanings for below is just the opposite of what they mean).


    Monday, May 13, 2013

    Divination 101 - Scrying

    Scrying is the art of gazing into an object in order to see with the mind what the eyes cannot. You may have had experience with this before. Anyone who has ever been camping knows the strange deisre to sit staring into the fire at night. There is just something there that seems to awaken something within our mind. Scrying can be performed with crystals, gazing into mirrors or with bowls of water.

    When using a crystal ball, it must be absolutely perfect. It cannot have bubbles, scratches, cracks, or any other flaws that will distract you from your work. Always lay your ball out on a soft black cloth (the best being black velvet since velvet catches no light). As you work, move any light source so that it cannot be reflected in the ball. This will affect your ability to concentrate and see what you need to. Flickering candle flames can be very distracting when you need to pay attention to your divination. Gaze into the crystal and keep your mind as blank as you can.

    You will not be able to work if you are affected by stress or tension so try to rid yourself of the day's activities before you begin. Gaze naturally into the crystal and allow your mind to rest. Do not imagine anything inside of the crystal. It may take a very long time when you are first beginning but after a while you will see the ball seem to fill with a fine white mist. Gradually, it will grow thicker and thicker until the crystal seems full of smoke. This will fade shortly, leaving you with a picture.

    This picture may be from the past, present, or future, but it is most likely to be symbolic, not literate. You will probably need to look up the meaning if it is a symbol or an animal. Try to determine the meaning of what you see, but do not allow yourself to see what you want to see. This practice can also be accomplished by staring into a black bowl full of water or gazing into a scrying mirror. Scrying mirrors are like regular mirrors except that they are black and obviously not for seeing your reflection.

    Saturday, May 11, 2013

    Divination 101 - Pendulums

    Congradulations! We have completed the first part of the first lesson! Yay, yeah, woot! Awesome, so now we can continue on to part 2 of this lesson of divination tools: the pendulum. Pendulums are wonderful tools for reading the psyche (basicually meaning used to tap into psychic centers and see what we know). Though it appears to be the pendulum swinging on its own, it is really our subconscious moving the pendulum. Something to help practice is this simple exercise:

    Begin by finding a pendulum. (Most pendulums are made from metal chains, pendants and gemstones for weights, or something that means something to us). An example would be that my pendulum is my Ankh necklace. A fancy pendulum isn't necessary, any object dangling from a string will work. (If you decide that you like using the pendulum and would like an expensive one, a weight made from a quartz crystal or tiger eyes is probably best).

    Next, make a direction card. Cut a square out of a piece of paper or card. Then, in the center, draw a circle. There will be one line going from left to right and another going up and down. Label the horizontal line "No" and the verticle "Yes" while the circle represens "Maybe".

    Now, hold the pedulum over the circle by the string from your power hand (your left hand is your magic hand!). Hold it so it dangles about an inch off of the paper. Then swing the pendulum side to side saying "This means yes" and stop the pendulum. Then back and forth saying "This means no" and stop the pendulum. Then swing it in a circle saying "This means maybe". Now for the real exercise.

    Hold the pendulum over the paper while you rest your elbow on the table. Say: "Show me yes". Do not try to swing the pendulum. Watch as it begins, very slowly, to swing back and forth. Stop the pendulum. Say: "Show me now". Watch as it swings from side to side. Stop the pendulum. Say: "Show me maybe". Stop the pendulum after it has gone it a circle. After you have successfully tried this exercise, you can begin asking questions. Begin with questions you know the answer to, like the name of your dog, or if your favorite color is blah blah blah. Then try some questions you don't know the answer to, like if you'll get an A on your Final, or if Mr/Miss Hotty Hot Hotty likes you. You get the point? But make sure that you record the question(s) and the pendulum's response. Was the answer what you thought it would be? Record your answer.

    Here is something for you to watch out for: if you think of an answer or wich for an answer before the pendulum gives it to you, then the pendulum may reflect that answer. Before you ask, completely clear your mind. Don't allow any of your desired thoughts to get through or they may affect your question. also, be sure to watch the pendulum for longer than a few seconds. The way it begins swinging will likely change so wait for it to hit a path and stay there.

    An advanced way of using pendulums is over a map. This practice can be used to find a person, water, minerals, etc. All you need for this is a map of the area and a pendulum. Hold the pendulum over the map. Let the pendulum swing as you think of what you are looking for. If it is a person, hold a piece of their hair, fingernail, or an item of their clothing in the same hand that holds the pendulum (which should be your powerful hand). Move the pendulum over the map.

    Some people have different ways of reading the pendulum. You should learn the way that works best for you. In one case, the pendulum will swing in a "Yes" motion  when it travels over the are of what you are searching for. In another instance, some say that the pendulum will swing in tighter and tighter circles the closer you get. Whichever method you use, you will have to move the pendulum very slowly over the map. This also works for finding water and minerals on a piece of property. You can just walk around with the pendulum to find what you need beneath the ground.

    Well, good luck and I hope that this does not fail you. If it isn't what you are looking for, don't worry! There are two more parts to this lesson if you choose to follow the path of divination. If all else fails, don't beat yourself up or the craft, because you were just meant for a different path. Blessed be.

    Monday, May 6, 2013

    My Promised Spells - Luck and Confidence

    Hi everyone! Like I promised, a good luck spell! When you do write out your wish, use standard poetry form (first line rhymes with the second, third rhymes with fourth, etc.), because 1. it does sound cool, 2. that is how most spells are written (as seen below). And now that I have my Book of Shadows back, I will post your beauty spell!
    Wait, what is a Book of Shadows? I ams SO glad you asked. You see, a Book of Shadows (for all of you who have NEVER heard of such a thing) is a collection of events, spells, notes, anything that has to do with your practiceing with magic. You want to write EVERYTHING that you learn down so that you never forget and you can pass it down to your younglins! Also, you can record anything in it: Dreams, Thoughts, Spells, How many times you've seen your crush and his class schedual, anything! Because this is YOURS and only yours until you give it to the next generation. I will be looking for a way to bless your Book of Shadows, because...I still need too...BUT you can use ANY notebook, drawing book, music book, ANYTHING, as long as you feel a connection to it and it reflects you and your personality. Now, why don't you look over this good luck spell and then the beauty spell. Since I have MY Book of Shadows, we'll be able to do actual lessons! P.s. Wish me luck tonight! I hope my concert goes great!
    Blessed Be!

    Good Luck Spell
    Casting this spell requires some preparation. You need to write your wish on a small piece of paper, hold it folded in your hand and then visualize your wish coming true. Thereafter, you should chant the above spell and burn the paper.
    On this sheet my wish be told
    No aspect of my heart withhold
    For this I need quick fruition
    So that my life may match my vision.

    Confidence Spell

    What you'll need:
    • A small shell or other item you can carry with you
    • Yellow candle
    Light the candle and hold it in your right hand. Say:
    "Please give me confidence
    So I can be the best
    I failed it once
    But now I will be better than the rest"
    Pass the shell through the flame and say:
    "May this be my lucky charm so my wish can come true"
    Kiss the shell for good luck and pass it through the flame one last time and say:
    "May my charm help me in all I do"
    Keep the shell with you, touching it frequently to fill you with confidence.

    Quick Love Spell --> magic-spells-and-potions.com


    Hi everyone! So, the last time I posted a beauty spell, there were a lot of hits (really meaning you liked it!!!), so this is a love spell. The thing about love spells is they shouldn't really be used if you are breaking the 3x3 law (do unto you sort of thing) because taking a person's free will is against magic. Instead, this is to include that 3x3 law so you aren't breaking it! Later I'll be posting another beauty spell, so come check me out. Also, I'll be posting a good luck spell because I have a concert tonight and I need all the luck I can get! Blessed Be!



    The Love Attraction Spell / Love Attraction Ritual

    Featuring The Law Of Three

    Light a candle.

    Focus on the person/animal/object/creature/spirit/being that is your example of love, and of which you want more in your life.

    If your mind drifts to "the bad bits of the squid" say to yourself out aloud and in your mind at the same time, "Only the love! Let me feel the love!" and focus on the sensations and feelings of loving someone/something with all your heart.

    Remember that if you are using the law of three, the purer your vibration and the stronger your energy can be, the more powerful the good effects that come back to you in turn.

    When you feel only love (admiration, wonderment, beauty, awesome, I love!) take a deep breath and say:

    I now call love into my life
    according to the law of three
    love is my goal, love is my due,
    love is my will, so will it be.
    Clap your hands three times, then blow out the candle.

    It's easy, a very good practice spell indeed and makes you feel really good, powerful, vibrant. As all good magic spells should!

    So there we have it.

    Thanks for your question, it's a good question and I'll post a version of this publicly too because it is such a useful all round spell that uses the principles of magic, and of love, well, they are the same!

    Lots of blessings to you and may you find more love than you ever expected!

    Information for this post came from the website http://magic-spells-and-potions.com/asksfx/love_attraction_ritual_love_spell_law_of_three.htm

    When you have time, check it out, because it is a pretty good website and it also helps to deal with the teen problems of how we don't get much money for supplies or what our parents will think of this, so check it out!

    Sunday, May 5, 2013

    Divination 101 - The Tarot Deck - Tarot Spreads

    Now that we have a good (if a firm then great!) understanding of the Tarot Deck and the meaning of it's cards, let us move on to Tarot Spreads. There are MANY different Spreads you can do, so you have the choice of the world! When I recieved my deck, there were a few ideas of the Spreads I could do, and most likely when you get your deck you may recieve one. The most popular spread is the three card spread --> Past, Present, Future.
    Basically, for this spread, you shuffle your deck, cut it into three smaller decks and you flip the first card on the top. This spread is popular because of the simplicity of it, and it helps to create a focus for you. When you do shuffle your deck, either do it three or nine times, because those are powerful numbers. Like I said, there are a lot of other spreads that anyone can do, such as Major Arcana Spreads. These spreads are for each Major Arcana card in the deck, because they are themes. Also, before I forget, it is crucial for all of you to learn this specific spread: The Celtic Cross. This spread is the most commonly known because it helps to give more of an insight for one's question.

    This is the Celtic Cross Spread. If you are just now beginning, it is a must that you know this, because this will help you the most. Here is a video that helps to explain better and take her advice accountable, because it really worked for me. Also, I will post the website that has some pretty good Tarot Spreads for you to try. If it works, let us all know!!!

    Blessed Be!


    Friday, May 3, 2013

    Prayers For Death (or Things Having To Do With Death)

    Tonight my dear childhood pet, Tobey, passed on. He may have been just a rabbit, but he was a good friend of mine. I have noticed, while I was looking for prayers to help his spirit move on to the next world, that there wasn't really much of any that had to do with Death. So, here is a list of prayers that will help in case you come across these problems. The subject of Death I will touch on later on, but right now I grieve. Blessed be.

    Deep Peace to You
    Deep peace of the running wave to you.
    Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
    Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
    Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
    Deep peace of the infinite peace to you.

    - Adapted from Ancient Gaelic Runes -

    Prayer For The Dying
    Time has passed, the Wheel has turned.
    It is time for you [person's name] to move on.

    You will walk hand in hand with the Lord and Lady
    and with your ancestors who came before you.

    Great Mother, welcome [name of person]
    back into your womb.

    And Great Father welcome [him/her] back
    into your divine instruction.

    Let [him/her] come to you and
    know that [s/he] has been blessed
    by your gracious gift of Life.

    Let [him/her] come into your Divine Love,
    and let [him/her] know
    that [s/he] has left behind a life of legacy,
    that [s/he] shall be remembered and loved.

    As [s/he] enters your world,
    wrap [him/her] in your loving arms,
    and welcome [him/her] back home.

    Let [him/her] speak to the Ancient Ones
    to learn the greater mysteries
    that lie beyond the veil.

    Give [him/her] the strength to take these final steps,
    and allow [him/her] to do so with peace and dignity.

    Those of us left behind
    shall indeed mourn [his/her] death,
    but we shall also know
    that [his/her] Soul and Spirit
    is coming back
    to Holy Mother and Holy Father,
    and that [s/he] shall be made whole again.

    We shall cry, but we shall also laugh,
    for we shall celebrate the Life
    that had been given to [person's name.]

    And let [him/her] also know
    that as we now merry part,
    that we shall also merry meet again.

    And we now, with these candles {light candles}
    respect the flame of [person's name]'s life,
    and though these candle flames shall die out,
    we know that [person's name] shall live on,
    and [his/her] flame shall never cease to burn,
    and we also know that [s/he] shall be reborn anew.

    Take [him/her] by the hand and
    guide [him/her] back into your heart,
    for this is what is right and just.

    Let [him/her] walk unerringly
    down the path that leads to your Love.

    This is our will and so mote it be.
    Amen and Amen.

    - Crimson Peaceful Wolf -
    - Wiccan Prayer -

    Carry On Prayer
    Beloved one, you are dying [dead],
    but you are not alone.

    We are here with you,
    the beloved dead await you.

    You go from love
    into love.
    Carry with you
    only love.

    May our love carry you
    and open the way.

    - Carry Only Love

    Wiccan Prayer for One Assisting
    Someone in Dying

    Goddess of death,
    I stand here as your priest/ess
    knowing that life
    must be winnowed
    to thrive.

    This is a holy act I perform:
    to open a gateway
    for a willing one
    to come to you.

    This is an act of healing,
    a release from suffering,
    an end to pain.

    Here is one
    whose arms are open
    to embrace you.

    Wiccan Prayer For One Who Has Had
    a Miscarriage

    Mother of life,
    Mother of death,
    here is a spirit so new
    that the gates of life and death
    are just an archway in [his/her] dancing ground.

    [S/he] has danced [his/her] way back to you.
    [His/her] passage is easy
    but mine is hard.

    I wanted to hold [his/her] living flesh
    and feel [his/her] soft breath and [his/her] heartbeat.
    I nurtured [his/her] in my body;
    I would have fed [his/her] from my breasts.
    I would have cared for [him/her]
    and watched [his/her] first steps
    and listened for [his/her] voice.

    No other child that may come to me
    will ever be what [s/he] would have been.
    Nothing, nobody, will ever replace [him/her].

    Whatever healing I may find,
    this loss will always be a part of me.

    Bless my womb,
    which has the power
    to create life and death.

    Bless my arms that would have embraced [him/her].
    Bless my hands
    that would have lifted [him/her].
    Bless my heart that grieves.

    May the Blessing of Light Be on You
    May the blessed sunlight shine on you
    like a great peat fire,
    so that strangers and friends may come
    and warm themselves at it.

    And may light shine out of the two eyes of you,
    like a candle set in the window of a house,
    bidding the wanderer come in out of the storm.

    And may the blessing of the rain be on you,
    may it beat upon your Spirit
    and wash it fair and clean,
    and leave there a shining pool
    where the blue of Heaven shines,
    and sometimes a star.

    And may the blessing of the earth be on you,
    soft under your feet as you pass along the roads,
    soft under you as you lie out on it,
    tired at the end of day;
    and may it rest easy over you
    when, at last, you lie out under it.

    May it rest so lightly over you
    that your soul may be out
    from under it quickly;
    up and off and on its way to Heaven.

    And now may Spirit bless you,
    and bless you kindly.

    - Pagan Invocation -

    For Samhain Dreams of the Dead
    Magic of Samhain dreams
    Spirits of mystical north,
    O’ guardian of earth, heed our prayers
    Throughout this rite, come forth.
    As the stars crown our brow,
    This song of wicca we hear,
    Open the gates that our loved ones may pass
    And our words draw them near.

    Magic of Samhain dreams
    Spirits of mystical east,
    O’ guardian of air, heed our prayers
    At behest of wiccan words.
    As on wings of warding we soar
    This song of wicca we hear,
    Open the gates that our loved ones may pass
    And our words draw them near.

    Magic of Samhain dreams,
    Spirits of mystical south,
    O’ guardian of flame, heed our prayers
    And spare us lengths of drouth.
    As your touch warms our souls
    This song of wicca we hear,
    Open the gates that our loved ones may pass
    And our words draw them near.

    Magic of Samhain dreams,
    Spirits of mystical west,
    O’ guardian of water, heed our prayers

    And deem we sisters and brothers blessed.
    As your rushing rivers flow
    This song of wicca we hear
    Open the gates that our loved ones may pass
    And our words draw them near.

    - Samhain Chant for the Dead -
    - A la Wesley Lowe -

    A Wiccan Prayer for the Dying
    Time has passed, the Wheel has turned.
    It is time for me to move on.

    I will walk hand in hand with the Ancient Ones,
    and with my ancestors who came before me.

    Great Mother, welcome me back into your womb,
    I come to you and know I am blessed,
    for my life has been one I am proud of.

    As I enter your world,
    wrap me in your loving arms,
    and welcome me.

    Lord of Death, I wait for you to take me,
    I come to you willingly, with eyes wide open,
    as my last moment approaches on the horizon.

    May I look upon you without fear, without pain,
    and knowing that those who walked before me,
    await me on the other side.

    O Ancient Ones, give me strength to take these final steps,
    and allow me to do so with peace and dignity.

    Let my family mourn my passing but not my loss,
    and let them heal knowing I will see them again.

    Time has passed and the Wheel has turned.
    It is time for me to move on.

    Information for these Prayers came from the website http://www.a-good-dying.com/wiccan-prayers.html

    Divination 101 - The Tarot Deck Continued

    Finding the Reversed Tarot Card Meanings.
    This is an article I found that should help to explain how to read reversed Tarot Cards. If this does not fully explain, simply just comment and I'll try my best to help. Sorry this was short and simple, but my life has gotten busy at the moment. Good luck everyone!
    Information for this post came from the website http://tarotelements.com/6649/using-reversed-tarot-cards/

    The Secret to Using Reversed Tarot Cards for Empowering Readings.
    “Reversed Tarot cards?! Ugh, I would never use those. They’re so negative!”
    I was having what was, up until this point, a pleasant conversation with a group of Tarot enthusiasts about interpreting the Tarot cards. The conversation drifted towards the topic of reversed Tarot cards and suddenly the mood changed. “Reversed Tarot cards?!” I looked around the group and there was a look of shock, horror and dismay at the mere suggestion of using reversed Tarot cards in a reading. “Ugh, I would never use those. They’re so negative!”
    What?! I was taken aback by such a passionate response from my colleagues. As someone who has used reversed Tarot cards in readings for more than 10 years, had I been providing such negative readings to my clients? I didn’t think so. I have always been so focused on empowering the client, rather than creating unnecessary worrying. So what made my interpretations of reversed Tarot cards different?
    I started thinking… do we really know how to use reversed Tarot cards to their full potential, to empower the client and create a positive path forward? What’s the secret?!

    Why Use Reversed Tarot Cards in the First Place?

    You might think that with 78 Tarot cards in a typical deck, surely there’s enough depth and meaning in those cards to conduct an accurate and insightful Tarot reading. True.
    But what if you could double it to 156 Tarot cards? Perhaps you could even double your Tarot insight? This is the power of reversed Tarot cards.
    What I love most about using reversed Tarot cards is that it offers a multi-dimensional view. We start to see the light and shade, highs and lows, yin and yang of each card. We begin to understand that the energy of each card ebbs and flows, increases and decreases, and can be released or blocked.
    This, to me, is a reflection of life itself. Nothing is ever in the one state of ‘being’. Instead, there is impermanence and the knowledge that life is on a continual cycle from one state to another. Using reversed Tarot cards helps to identify these cycles and locate where the client is on their journey.

    Do Reversed Tarot Cards Really Have to be so Negative?

    Unfortunately, there are many interpretations of Tarot cards in the reversed or ‘ill-dignified’ position that are indeed negative. Take, for example, the traditional meaning of the Three of Wands reversed. “Ulterior motives. Distrust, treachery, deceit. Interrupted by misfortune” (cited in Mary Greer’s book “The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals”, p.103). With these types of interpretations, it is little wonder that so many people are put off by reversed Tarot cards.
    But do reversals really have to be that negative?
    I think not. In fact, I am a strong believer that using reversed Tarot cards in readings can be empowering and insightful. When we understand the multiple dimensions that reversed Tarot cards bring to a reading, we can begin to use these insights to help the client release any blockages, avoid any dangers, address any challenges and maximise opportunities. It all comes down to how the reversed cards are interpreted.

    5 Ways to Interpret Reversed Tarot Cards… And Empower Your Clients

    So, what is the secret to using reversed Tarot cards for empowering readings?
    Here are five ways to interpret reversed Tarot cards in your readings so that you can empower your client and avoid the ‘doom and gloom’ that is so often associated with reversals.
    (NOTE: There are many other ways in which the reversed Tarot cards can be interpreted (such as a ‘no’ to a question, the opposite of the upright card and delays – read more at http://www.biddytarot.com/blog/how-to-interpret-reversed-tarot-cards). I have chosen to focus on the methods below to illustrate how reversed cards can be used to empower clients and create a positive, helpful and practical reading.)
    1. Releasing blocked energy
    Reversals often signify that the energy of the card is currently blocked or repressed. If you can identify where a blockage exists, then you can also identify how to remove the blockage. Focus on manifesting the free-flowing energy of the card. Look to other cards in the reading or draw a clarifying card to understand what action needs to be taken to release the blockage.
    2. Mastering the lesson of the previous card
    In his book “Mastering The Tarot”, Paul Fenton-Smith suggests that a reversed Tarot card implies a need to return to the previous card. There is an important life lesson that has not yet been mastered or completely understood, and therefore the client is advised to reflect on this card’s energy to improve current circumstances. For example, if you drew the reversed Two of Pentacles and were facing financial disorganisation, you need to return to the Ace of Pentacles so that you can prioritise your financial goals and set yourself a budget.
    Personally, this is one of my favourite methods as it offers hope and a clear path forward.
    3. Identifying unconscious awareness
    Sometimes, reversed Tarot cards can reflect that the energy of the card remains in the unconscious mind and has not yet been revealed to the client. The beauty of seeing this in a reading is that it is brought into the client’s conscious awareness. The client is then given the opportunity to address the issue or maximise the opportunity.
    4. Clearing negative energy
    Another way of interpreting reversed cards is that the energy of the upright card is either increased or decreased. For example, the Ten of Swords signifies a painful ending and betrayal. When reversed, the energy may be weakened, indicating that a difficult period is over and the client can begin to heal. This can be a positive message in itself and is encouraging for the client who may have been suffering.
    5. Identifying potential challenges
    Often, reversed cards indicate obstacles or challenges that stand in the way of the client’s ability to achieve their desired outcomes. While we don’t always like to hear about challenges, the advantage is that it can act like a warning system ahead of time. It provides the opportunity for the client to consider where they are going off course or why these challenges are being encountered, and then put in place necessary actions to get back on course.

    Putting it Into Practice

    Let’s see how this works with a real life reading. Being a mother of a 9 week old and a 2 year old, I asked the cards what I need to know about managing my family. I drew Temperance reversed.
    The traditional meaning is, “Competition. Impatience. Frustration.” Uh, ok. Thanks. That’s a no-brainer!
    Instead, I am going to use some of the methods outlined above to create what I believe is a more empowering reading.

    We know that Temperance is about patience, balance and moderation. Reversed, this card indicates blockages to accessing this energy, or perhaps the qualities of Temperance are already within me (i.e. an unconscious awareness). To help bring a state of peace and calm to my family life, I therefore need to focus on creating balance and moderation and allowing that energy to flow naturally in my day-to-day activities. (I just started meditation classes, so that’s a step in the right direction.)
    And perhaps I need to return to the lesson of the previous card, Death, and acknowledge that I am in the midst of a major life change right now. By acknowledging that a major change is taking place, I can become more accepting of my current circumstances. This in turn creates patience and moderation in my approach.
    Of course, I could go on. However, it should be apparent that by using even just a handful of these simple interpretation methods it is possible to create an empowering reading that clearly identifies what actions need to be taken to rectify the situation.
    So much for reversed Tarot cards only being negative!!
    A Final Word
    Sure, reversed Tarot cards can be portrayed as ‘negative’. But I encourage you to look beyond these simplistic and often negative interpretations, and challenge yourself to find the positive element in reversed Tarot cards. Go into your reading with the intent of empowering your client and you will find that the reversed Tarot cards enable you to do this in ways that often the upright cards cannot. Draw upon the methods I have suggested, and even create your own. This is the secret to using reversed Tarot cards for empowering readings!