Monday, May 13, 2013

Divination 101 - Scrying

Scrying is the art of gazing into an object in order to see with the mind what the eyes cannot. You may have had experience with this before. Anyone who has ever been camping knows the strange deisre to sit staring into the fire at night. There is just something there that seems to awaken something within our mind. Scrying can be performed with crystals, gazing into mirrors or with bowls of water.

When using a crystal ball, it must be absolutely perfect. It cannot have bubbles, scratches, cracks, or any other flaws that will distract you from your work. Always lay your ball out on a soft black cloth (the best being black velvet since velvet catches no light). As you work, move any light source so that it cannot be reflected in the ball. This will affect your ability to concentrate and see what you need to. Flickering candle flames can be very distracting when you need to pay attention to your divination. Gaze into the crystal and keep your mind as blank as you can.

You will not be able to work if you are affected by stress or tension so try to rid yourself of the day's activities before you begin. Gaze naturally into the crystal and allow your mind to rest. Do not imagine anything inside of the crystal. It may take a very long time when you are first beginning but after a while you will see the ball seem to fill with a fine white mist. Gradually, it will grow thicker and thicker until the crystal seems full of smoke. This will fade shortly, leaving you with a picture.

This picture may be from the past, present, or future, but it is most likely to be symbolic, not literate. You will probably need to look up the meaning if it is a symbol or an animal. Try to determine the meaning of what you see, but do not allow yourself to see what you want to see. This practice can also be accomplished by staring into a black bowl full of water or gazing into a scrying mirror. Scrying mirrors are like regular mirrors except that they are black and obviously not for seeing your reflection.

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