Sunday, May 5, 2013

Divination 101 - The Tarot Deck - Tarot Spreads

Now that we have a good (if a firm then great!) understanding of the Tarot Deck and the meaning of it's cards, let us move on to Tarot Spreads. There are MANY different Spreads you can do, so you have the choice of the world! When I recieved my deck, there were a few ideas of the Spreads I could do, and most likely when you get your deck you may recieve one. The most popular spread is the three card spread --> Past, Present, Future.
Basically, for this spread, you shuffle your deck, cut it into three smaller decks and you flip the first card on the top. This spread is popular because of the simplicity of it, and it helps to create a focus for you. When you do shuffle your deck, either do it three or nine times, because those are powerful numbers. Like I said, there are a lot of other spreads that anyone can do, such as Major Arcana Spreads. These spreads are for each Major Arcana card in the deck, because they are themes. Also, before I forget, it is crucial for all of you to learn this specific spread: The Celtic Cross. This spread is the most commonly known because it helps to give more of an insight for one's question.

This is the Celtic Cross Spread. If you are just now beginning, it is a must that you know this, because this will help you the most. Here is a video that helps to explain better and take her advice accountable, because it really worked for me. Also, I will post the website that has some pretty good Tarot Spreads for you to try. If it works, let us all know!!!

Blessed Be!

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