Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Finding Your Patron God/Goddess

This subject is kind of touchy, because there are a lot of things that can happen. It may take a while before your patron actually chooses you, and in a lot of cases people often get agitated and impatient about finding their own God or Goddess that chooses them, or they may choose you instantly. Nobody really knows when it comes to the Gods, but they do know what they are doing, most of the time. In this blog, I will show you some videos about what exactly to look for when finding your Patron God/ Goddess and what to do. The number one thing NOT to do is freak out about why they haven't contacted you, because it doesn't help you or your case.

Why Have A Patron God
For most Pagans their Patron God is not some far off entity. This is a being that they have a strong personal relationship with. This is who they call upon when doing rituals and spells, if they practice magic within their beliefs. A Patron God provides guidance and support as they grow and develop in their own spiritual and religious practice. So far, I haven't found my own Patron(s), but I am patient, and so should you all be, because time is a strange thing to think of. For us, there isn't much time, but for them they have all the time they could ever need, they don't really realize the time it is until "whoops! that human that I really liked is about to die and I didn't get the chance to tell him that I liked him" or something. 

How Do They Choose You?
At some point when you become Pagan, or sometimes even before, the Gods begin to take notice of you. Gradually, those of you who they have a greater affinity for pay closer attention and may start coming to you in your dreams or through other means. Some Gods may decide to "test" you. This isn't to prove your worthiness, far from it. That is a concept conceived in the idea that people are inherently unworthy and must prove themselves otherwise. These tests are more to make sure that you are capable of handling the energies that particular God may bring into your life by combining His energies with yours.

How Do They Reach Out For You?
Sometimes they can be very blatant and in your face. They may all of a sudden, with no warning, just come to you while you dream or while you are awake. They are Gods, they do what they please, so be careful of what happens, because they could just all of a sudden take over you (not too badly though for you to be afraid). The ways they can be varied. You must let yourself remain open to hearing, seeing, smelling, or otherwise experiencing the messages they are sending you. If you get sensations that make you uncomfortable, do not be afraid to tell whoever is sending these things to you to go and leave you alone. You are not obligated to accept any messages you do not want to receive. And, frankly, just because you are receiving messages does not mean they are from Gods or even from benevolent beings, so you may want to watch out. 

An example of strange sensations would be what happens to me sometimes. Every now and then I will get this really strange sensation in my ear. It kind of goes all static and I can't hear anything out of it for a while. A few months ago a read an article that it may be spirits talking to me, so I tried talking back, telling them to go away, and it eventually did, but now I know that it wasn't spirits, but it still happens in the most unexpected of timings.

Once A God Tries To Contact You
When you start getting these messages however they may come it is time to start your investigations. If you have a clear idea on who it is, then find all the information you can on that particular God and study Him, or Her, in depth. Look in books, on the internet, record your dreams if He is coming to you in that way. Meditate. Ask questions and listen for His answers.If these messages are coming to you as symbols, then you have a bit more work to do. You'll need to pull out your reference books and websites and find out what you can about the symbolism of what you are smelling, seeing, or otherwise sensing or experiencing. Listen to your gut instincts here as well. If you find yourself being drawn towards one particular Pantheon over another then look that direction. People have reported seeing a particular bird a lot, in situations where they wouldn't normally expect to see that bird. Or hearing a particular sound, or having repeating dreams. While you can seek guidance from outside sources such as books or by asking questions of other people, the ultimate answer of Who it is trying to contact you will come from within your own heart.

This video should give more of an insight to how to find your Patron.

This video is an example of someone who had found their Matron and just more ways to look into finding yours.

This video is to explain a concept of how your Patrons don't HAVE to be exactly the same and have to be people who are coupled together. Like, say if you get Durga from the Hindu religion and Apollo. They aren't Gods that have been set together, but that doesn't matter, because they don't have to. Just watch the video and you'll probably understand better. 

Blessed be!

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