Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How To Work Spells - Love Spells

Hi everyone! To follow off on the last post, and the book, I'm mainly going to explain love spells to you, because they can be easily confused about what they are used for and how to use them correctly. If the information stuff doesn't bore any of you, then I might put the practice spell at the bottom. Don't forget to put this in your Book of Shadows if you want and we'll get started!

So, pay close attention, because love spells, when done correctly, are extremely potent and powerful. They can do a lot of things; positive and negative, so you better watch what you are doing first.

Each culture has their own kind of love magic, but the ultimate purpose is really the same: to find, keep, and enhance love through magic. Love spells have been practiced for centuries on every continent, by almost every culture, so it's kind of widely known.

Believe it or not, love magic is actually everywhere you go. It may have been that you have even practiced some kind and form of love magic before. If you have ever worn jewelry to make yourself more attractive, then guess what? You have used a love charm! If you spray on perfume or cologne, it probably contains some aphrodisiac flowers or smells...and, yes, that's a love potion! And if you've ever read your horoscope in the paper to get advice about your love life, well...you're using divination!

Love magic is all a round us. And really, any time that you consciously choose to do something to make yourself attractive, or to attract someone special, you are sending out your own personal love vibrations. And you are invoking a kind of love magic. But because love magic is so powerful, it must be taken seriously. Love is such a powerful force that anyone who tried to play around with love spells incorrectly may find themselves getting burned.

There are many things love spells can do for you. They can make you more desirable and attractive. They can send out vibrations to attract a specific person. They can put out positive energy that will attract your soul mate. And they can create the perfect atmosphere for love to grow. But once the spark of love is ignited, the rest is up to you and your partner. Because even the most powerful love spells have their limits.

A love spell can bring two people together, but it can't force someone to love you. And a love spell cannot keep two people together against their will. Remember the Wiccan Rede I mentioned before "Harm none." When you use love magic to interfere with another person's free will, you are causing them harm. Make sure, like REALLY MAKE SURE, that the love spell you want to do does not interfere with someone's free will. NEVER attempt to use love magic to manipulate someone else's emotions. Not only does this violate the Rede, but it also falls into the category of black magic.

So, before you really do your first love spell, here are some things that should  be useful information:

Most witches recommend that you perform love spells to attract love in general, not a specific person. This way you avoid the problem of interfering with free will.

If you DO have someone specific in mind, then you can cast a spell to attract that person, with the intent that it should work ONLY if you are right for each other and no harm will come of it. If you have sincere intentions, then you can safely cast a love spell for a specific person. But be prepared to accept that the spell will not work if you are not right for each other. If the person you have in mind is not your true love, then the spell won't work.

A very important component of magic is emotion, feeling, and concentration. A love spell will not be effective unless you have very strong feelings about what you are attempting to do. This may all sound WAY too serious, but just think about it like this:

Love is the MOST powerful feeling in the world. And magic is extremely powerful too. When you put the two together, wouldn't you want to do it the right way?

The best time to do a love spell, is on a Friday, while the moon is waxing (or getting bigger). When doing love spells, they will be a lot more powerful if you visualize and concentrate on the desired results of your spell.

And when you are about to do something, your rituals and spells should be kept as secret as possible. Don't share what you are doing with people who will just laugh at you or mock you. You don't need those kinds of  negative people messing with your energy. Keeping your spells and rituals as private as possible will give it more meaning to you and make it even MORE important, and they will be more effective.

So, I think that we can actually look at a REAL love spell. I'll do my best to keep it simple, but when you do spells, you follow them like they own your life, because you want them to go right in every way possible. And remember that you want to FEEL for the spell: feel the love you want, have, and need/desire. Picture the most amazing memory of love and let it surround you and fill you. Think of doing a spell kind of like a play. You have to BE the role and part in order to make it more effective.

What You Will Need:

  • a) Two candles, preferably red or pink (one for you, one for he lover) 
  • b) Candle holders 
  • c) Paper 
  • d) Scissors 
  • e) A pen or pencil

  • What You Will Need To Do:

    Write your names on two pieces of paper which stand underneath the candle holder. On a third piece of paper, write both your names and draw a circle around them.

    Place the candles about a foot apart on their respective pieces of paper, with the third piece of paper exactly in the center.

    Light your candle first and say:

    Burn bright, burn true,
    heart of (your name)

    Then light the other and say:

    Burn bright, burn true, 
    heart of (lover's name)

    If you have a wand, trace a figure of eight around the two candles, making sure to cross over exactly each time over the third piece of paper. If you don't, use the original inbuilt human wand - your index finger.

    Say with each pass slowly:

    A meeting of two hearts
    if it is ordained
    must come to pass. 

    Stop, take a deep breath in and out, and start on the second set. Three passes again, full fig. eight around the candles.

    Let no-one and nothing
    stand in the way
    of the meeting of two hearts. 

    Stop, take a deep breath and start the 3rd set of 3 passes.

    Two hearts beat as one
    it is my will
    and it is done. 

    Now sit down and focus on the paper with the circle and both your names which is the power focus of this ritual.

    See yourself and the lover together, being honest and true together, talking, making love, making decisions. Just you and her, keep that completely clear and powerful in your mind.

    When you are ready, move both candles together and tip them so their flames combine. Take the circle paper and say:

    My will is transferred
    my spell has been heard
    As I will, so mote it be. 

    Burn the circle paper in the single flame.

    Blow out the single flame as one.

    Wrap the candles and the name papers in tissue and dispose of them. 

    Remember, you are only doing this spell with GOOD INTENTIONS. Taking a person's free will is basically a spiritual crime that will haunt you for a very very long time. Be careful if you ever think about doing this spell or any other love spells. Blessed be.


    1. What if you don't have your *lovers* name? What if you are hoping that doing a love spell will help your soulmate find his way to you, and you to him. Even if you don't know him yet. Like for me.

    2. I am so glad that you have this question :D
      You'll find that generally most love spells will require your name and your lover's name, but you'll happen to come across spells that deal with your soul mate, thus making it unnecessary to have your lover's name (since you don't know what it is).
      I guess if you come across a spell that needs a lover's name, you can always substitute their name with the ideal characteristics of what you want your soul mate to have. Here's a spell for soul mates that is very simple and I think you will like; all you have to do is to just concentrate on who/what you believe your soul mate is/is like (you might need to meditate for a minute or so) and when you're ready just chant the following:
      I wish love can keep us alive.
      It will never separates our hearts and to free our minds.
      Let our faces meet, so we can see.
      And let sparks fly, when we see eye to eye.
      If this works, then great! If it doesn't, it was just your first try and sometimes things don't always happen the first time. Good luck and let me know if you have any more questions :)
      p.s. for my upcoming post I'll post a spell that has to deal with having your soul mate find their way to you, so look for it if you can!
