Saturday, May 11, 2013

Divination 101 - Pendulums

Congradulations! We have completed the first part of the first lesson! Yay, yeah, woot! Awesome, so now we can continue on to part 2 of this lesson of divination tools: the pendulum. Pendulums are wonderful tools for reading the psyche (basicually meaning used to tap into psychic centers and see what we know). Though it appears to be the pendulum swinging on its own, it is really our subconscious moving the pendulum. Something to help practice is this simple exercise:

Begin by finding a pendulum. (Most pendulums are made from metal chains, pendants and gemstones for weights, or something that means something to us). An example would be that my pendulum is my Ankh necklace. A fancy pendulum isn't necessary, any object dangling from a string will work. (If you decide that you like using the pendulum and would like an expensive one, a weight made from a quartz crystal or tiger eyes is probably best).

Next, make a direction card. Cut a square out of a piece of paper or card. Then, in the center, draw a circle. There will be one line going from left to right and another going up and down. Label the horizontal line "No" and the verticle "Yes" while the circle represens "Maybe".

Now, hold the pedulum over the circle by the string from your power hand (your left hand is your magic hand!). Hold it so it dangles about an inch off of the paper. Then swing the pendulum side to side saying "This means yes" and stop the pendulum. Then back and forth saying "This means no" and stop the pendulum. Then swing it in a circle saying "This means maybe". Now for the real exercise.

Hold the pendulum over the paper while you rest your elbow on the table. Say: "Show me yes". Do not try to swing the pendulum. Watch as it begins, very slowly, to swing back and forth. Stop the pendulum. Say: "Show me now". Watch as it swings from side to side. Stop the pendulum. Say: "Show me maybe". Stop the pendulum after it has gone it a circle. After you have successfully tried this exercise, you can begin asking questions. Begin with questions you know the answer to, like the name of your dog, or if your favorite color is blah blah blah. Then try some questions you don't know the answer to, like if you'll get an A on your Final, or if Mr/Miss Hotty Hot Hotty likes you. You get the point? But make sure that you record the question(s) and the pendulum's response. Was the answer what you thought it would be? Record your answer.

Here is something for you to watch out for: if you think of an answer or wich for an answer before the pendulum gives it to you, then the pendulum may reflect that answer. Before you ask, completely clear your mind. Don't allow any of your desired thoughts to get through or they may affect your question. also, be sure to watch the pendulum for longer than a few seconds. The way it begins swinging will likely change so wait for it to hit a path and stay there.

An advanced way of using pendulums is over a map. This practice can be used to find a person, water, minerals, etc. All you need for this is a map of the area and a pendulum. Hold the pendulum over the map. Let the pendulum swing as you think of what you are looking for. If it is a person, hold a piece of their hair, fingernail, or an item of their clothing in the same hand that holds the pendulum (which should be your powerful hand). Move the pendulum over the map.

Some people have different ways of reading the pendulum. You should learn the way that works best for you. In one case, the pendulum will swing in a "Yes" motion  when it travels over the are of what you are searching for. In another instance, some say that the pendulum will swing in tighter and tighter circles the closer you get. Whichever method you use, you will have to move the pendulum very slowly over the map. This also works for finding water and minerals on a piece of property. You can just walk around with the pendulum to find what you need beneath the ground.

Well, good luck and I hope that this does not fail you. If it isn't what you are looking for, don't worry! There are two more parts to this lesson if you choose to follow the path of divination. If all else fails, don't beat yourself up or the craft, because you were just meant for a different path. Blessed be.

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