Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Witch's Book of the Dead by Christian Day

So I read this really good book and I thought that I should probably introduce you to it a bit.

Christian Day's book of the Dead is really informational and creative. It tells the lore of death and interesting ways that a witch can get connected to the other side, but there are warnings that you should not ignore. Some of the spells and rituals are simple and require meditation (something you should consider on doing), but remember not to mess with the dead. Even though you will be able to communicate with them, the dead require life, a sacrifice to get what you require. This doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice someone else's life or an animal, no it just means that you'll be giving up a bit of your life energy. Since you'll be doing that, you have to keep yourself healthy and energized (not with monsters!) But I guess I'll explain more when I buy the book.

After reading the book it just got me really interested into what I think I should do in my practices. I've really been connected to the dead, meaning it's really affected me in negative and positive ways, and it has just really fascinated me. Anyway, I should think on this a little more, but it's just a thought.

Question for you:
Who do you believe is your God patron? Remember, you don't have to pick a God from your region or your culture. It can be any that you want, or you don't have to pick one (though it would be helpful to have one). On my next post I'll explain more about the God and Goddess and the Gods. Have a good week everyone!

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