Incenses are important when doing a ritual/spell. It blesses the air in the area and and prepares it for magick to be done. I've never used incense before, but that's something I'm thinking of changing soon! So here's a list of things that could be used for magick and the ideal incenses that should be used. Enjoy!
BALANCE - jasmine, orange, rose.
BANISHING/RELEASING - cedar, clove, cypress, patchouli, roes, rue, violet, betony, elder, fern, mugwort, St. Jonswort, vervain, yarrow.
BINDING - apple, cayenne, dragon’s blood, cypress, pine, pepper, rowan, wormwood.
BLESSING/CONSECRATION - carnation, cypress, frankincense, lotus, rosemary, elder, rue.
CHANGES - peppermint, dragon’s blood, woodruff.
CLAIRVOYANCE/DIVINATION - lilac, lotus, rose, vervain, wild cherry savory.
CURSING - blackthorn, elder, pepper.
DETERMINATION/COURAGE - allspice, musk, rosemary, dragon’s blood, mullein.
ENERGY/POWER/STRENGTH - allspice, bay, carnation, cinnamon, cinquefoil, frankincense, lotus, musk, thyme, dragon’s blood, verbena, oak, holly.
EXORCISM - bay, frankincense, lavender, myrrh, pine, rosemary, vervain, basil cedar, fern, mullein, pepper, rue, St. Johnswort, wormwood, yarrow.
GOOD LUCK/FORTUNE/JUSTICE - cedar, lotus, mint, vervain, violet, nutmeg, bayberry, cinnamon, cinquefoil, honeysuckle, chamomile, jasmine, yellow dock.
HAPPINESS/HARMONY/PEACE - apple blossom, basil, cedar, cypress, fir, jasmine, lavender, lilac, lotus, orange, patchouli, rose, rosemary, lily of the valley, purple loosestrife, valerian, vervain.
HEALING - carnation, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clove, lavender, lotus, myrrh, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, apple, laurel, wild cherry, hazel, hops, orange, peppermint, rowan, savory.
INSPIRATION/WISDOM - cinquefoil, acacia, clove, cypress, fir, hazel, laurel, lily of the valley, oak moss, reed, rosemary, rowan, rue.
LOVE - apple blossom, birch, cinquefoil, gardenia, honeysuckle, jasmine, musk, rose, vervain, acacia, catnip, elder, fern, heather, juniper, lavender, marigold, marjoram, mistletoe, moonwort, patchouli, savory, vanilla, valerian, wormwood, yarrow.
MEDITATION - acacia, angelica, bay, cinnamon, frankincense, jasmine, myrrh, nutmeg, wisteria.
NEW BEGINNINGS - birch oil
PROTECTION/DEFENSE - angelica, bay, bayberry, birch, cinnamon, cypress, frankincense, jasmine, lily of the valley, patchouli, pine, rue, vervain, basil, burdock, cinquefoil, club moss, dill dragon’s blood, fern, feverfew, fir, furze, hawthorn, hazel, heather, holly, juniper, marjoram, mistletoe, mugwort, mullein, oak, pepper, rosemary, rowan, St. Johnswort, thistle, wormwood, yarrow.
PSYCHIC CENTERS/OPENING - nutmeg, mimosa, wisteria, lotus, mugwort.
PURIFICATION/CLEANSING - bay laurel, frankincense, lavender, myrrh, pine, rosemary, vervain, basil, betony, burdock, cedar, dragon’s blood, elder, feverfew, hyssop, marjoram, oak, peppermint, rue, salt, thyme, valerian, woodruff.
REINCARNATION - lilac, sandalwood.
VISIONS - bay laurel, frankincense, lotus, acacia, ditany of Crete, marigold, mugwort, wormwood.
WILLPOWER - rosemary, St. Johnswort.
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