Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Truth To How A Spell And Happiness Works


Hi everyone! Today is not only my baby brother's first birthday, but it has been the first year and one day that I have been Pagan, and it also happens to be my choir concert. Strange how the Universe helped these events come around. Anyway, you're not here about me! You're here to learn the secret as to how a spell works!!!

Yes, there is magic to it, that is not a doubt in mind. It is a strong belief of mine that magic is real and that it runs its course through everything in the world; we are all touched by it! Imagine that event where something impossible happened, like the girl/boy you asked out actually said yes! Or you found some cash laying on the side of the road. These events are connected. Call it magic, call it luck, but the source of the power all came from you! The secret is you!

"Me?" You're probably wondering. And I answer "Yes! You! All of you!"

Understand, before those small, seemingless events came to pass, I bet you were probably thinking about finding cash or just hoping and wishing really hard that the person you asked out would say yes. The greatest thing a person can have is belief, or faith, if you will. Think about the time you said "I'm going to be rich one day", or "That's going to be my house!". And then you pictured yourself there, in that house, or with all that money and spending it. I bet you probably smiled, didn't you? If you have never done something like this, just wait, I'll give you some exercises to use.

When it comes to spells, this applies immensely. A spell is based off a person's energy. Why do you think we meditate before we cast a spell? Why do we burn incense to calm our nerves, mind, and body? It's because we place ourselves in a better place and a better mood. When you cast your spell, not only are you praying to your God(s) that it works, but you envision it happening! Think about a love spell. There are certain love spells that require you to envision the person you are casting that spell over. Why? So that it can come true!

Here's an example: A few months ago, I cast a spell that was to get a guy that I liked to text me. It worked within five minutes, five hours, or five days (Those of you who have used this spell know what I'm talking about!). Thing was, I really, REALLY liked this guy, and everyday I would think about him texting me and all the things he would say. Within five days, it worked! He did text me back! Yes, the spell worked, but it could not have manifested itself it I had not put my energy into the spell, envisioning the outcome. Because I believed/had faith, I got exactly what I wanted.

Now, this wasn't some high-level witch powers that suddenly came onto me. I've only been a Pagan for a year and a day, I don't think someone could own master powers in that amount of time after casting minor spells. It might be possible, but that's not the point. The point is you've got to believe! Sure, it sounds like a Disney movie about faith, dust, and pixie dust (Peter Pan), but it's the truth! The best part is that this doesn't JUST work on spells, this works on life as well!

Remember those times when we would create a dream board? We would list out the qualities we would want in our mate, print out pictures of the house we would want, the perfect job, the kids. If not, don't worry, I'll explain.

Your 'Dream Board' Project

A dream board is basically a collection of things that you want to achieve in your life, or you just want. Here's a list of things you might want to think about:

  • Dream job (teacher, anthropologist, president, traveler, etc.) 
  • Dream Guy/Girl (qualities, traits, personality, etc.)
  • Dream Car (mustang, tundra, camaro, el camino, impala, etc.)
  • Dream Travels (Egypt, India, Europe, Nepal, etc.)
  • Dream House (mansion, cottage, suburb, apartment, etc.)
Here's some examples of MY dream board (please don't judge!): 

There is so much you can do to create your dream board! These are just ideas! Every time you think "Oh, I wish I could do that", find a picture that relates to it or write it down and post it on your dream board! Hang your board in your office, in your school locker, just in a place you will be sure to see it! I cannot stress how much it is that you have to SEE it, because, every time you look at it, you'll imagine wanting to do everything that's on that board in a blink of an eye; the white-picket-fence house you always wanted, the adventures you wanted to do, the inspiration you wanted to spread through the world!

Now, this does come with a warning. You see, if there is a little seed of doubt that is planted within you that says "This will never happen" then it won't! Thing is, the Universe is working to conspire to make you happy, to give you the things you want. Be it the Gods, be it something beyond our understanding, don't know! I only know that if you believe it, IT WILL HAPPEN. 

Imagine the thing you want most like a seed. You send your energy out into the Universe saying "Hey, I really want to have that El Camino within the next year", the Universe weaves its threads together and that little seed is growing and growing as seeds do. And just as the seed is about to rise up out of the ground maybe a few months later, you start to think "I'm never going to get that El Camino, it's not worth it anymore" the Universe is like "Oh, okay you don't want this anymore" and then just takes the gift back because of your doubt.

I don't know if this helped you very much, or if I explained this very well, so here: Look for the book The Secret. Seriously, I know it seems cheesy, but I have to give credit to its author for this gift of insight. There is so many ways to apply The Secret to one's life, like having positive thoughts for a spell. Just a thought. just an insight for you.

I'll let you in on a little secret of my own: after discovering The Secret, I have never been so happier, nor have I felt so confident or free. Think about it: Our Gods want us to be happy, because if we're happy we'll love them and they'll love us. I know it seems like they're using us, but that's just not it. They truly want us to be happy, because they know how terrible our lives can be, so they are right there, holding their hands out to us, saying "When you want us, when you are ready for us, we WILL help you!" Friends, brothers and sisters, please take their hands, because we deserve to be happy.

Most information comes from The Secret

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