Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Spell To Remember A Past Life

So I just found this spell and I thought that it was something really cool for you guys to try! When I did it, it took several SEVERAL tries until I got a really small image, and even that was difficult. Anyway, you guys try it and think of it for yourself! Plus, it's really simple and kind of fun too.

1 white Candle, 1 mirror, Yourself

Set the candle next to the mirror so the light from it can hit your face, but so that you will not see the candle in the mirror.

Turn off the lights and sit in front of the mirror.

After this is done, look into your eyes and say these words:

"Oracle of lunar light, Send me the second sight"

Stare into your eyes and try not to blink. Your reflection will dissolve and another will appear. Try to look at the face, body, clothing and surroundings. After you do this, you will have emotions that you can not explain. Don't worry, they will go away in a few minutes.

You may have to say these words a few times and stare into your reflection for a while. Remember to concentrate.

This spell comes from

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Samhain Again

Samhain is on the way again.

Because I have other posts explaining Samhain, I'll be brief and tell you this. This is the time of year when witches and Pagans can just be themselves. The world believes that Halloween is just a holiday, so let them. To us, this is the time of year where we can be ourselves, where we can celebrate life and death. This is a day to connect with our deceased loved ones, a day to be joyous for the time we had spent in this year. This is also a time to be together with your circles and work together to bring peace and balance among yourselves. This is the end of a year and beginning of another.

Last year, I had celebrated Samhain only briefly, and for that I feel as if I missed out. This year will be different. This year I'll finally be able to talk to my loved ones and feel at ease. If you need to be retouched on what Samhain is all about, my links are below. If you're looking for a spell, you'll know where to find one. Merry meet!

My other links for Samhain:

Monday, September 15, 2014

Isis Is A Goddess, Not A Terrorist Group

Hi everyone, I know it's been a while, but I'd like to bring to your attention this issue, especially those who have heard of this news. It is my understanding that there is a terrorist group that has been nicknamed ISIS here in the United States (possible elsewhere as well) and this goes against mine and I believe many other's belief.

Isis is a Goddess, not a terrorist group. She is the mother of Horus, she represents magick, protector of children, the great wife to Osiris, ruler of the Underworld and former ruler of Egypt. She is the daughter of Thoth and Nut, God of wisdom and Mother of the Night, she has ruled this Earth far longer than humans have terrorized those in the West.

Now that there has been an understanding of who Isis is and her difference to this terrorism group, I have brought before you all a petition to change the name of the terrorist organization from ISIS to ISIL, its proper name. If you are not of the Egyptian worship, I still urge those of you to help change this. Not only are those who follow the Egyptian Gods disrespected, but the rest of Pagans are, for this is an attempt of nonrecognition of us Pagans even if we have the freedom of worship in the states. Please, for my mother Goddess and for your mother Goddess, help us to change the name so that Isis may be worshiped for who she truly is and not used as a title for an organization that does not protect like Isis does, but reigns terror on everyone. Thank you.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Incarnated/Earth Angels

So, here's a question for you guys: have you ever heard of Earth Angels? The only reason I discovered what an Earth Angel happened to be was because I Googled "Angels of Elements" so I could find my elemental Angel and it came up with "Earth Angel". Apparently, Earth Angels are celestial beings (Angels) sent to Earth to live a human life out of curiosity, to understand human emotions, to understand their daily lives, etc. 

One of the sites I happened upon had a good idea about Angels that I would like to point out: They said that Angels were neither being who are just good or just evil, they are both (like Karma, how it can be good karma or bad karma, but it is both). I don't know, I thought that was just something to think about. So, since I am not really good at explaining things, I'm just gonna post one of the articles that I read. 

Incarnated Angels

by Epona'Bri and Cindi Wafstet

Incarnated angels are spirits of the angelic realm who incarnate as humans to help people learn something very specific.

Angel Incarnates usually have a very short life span; die in pregnancy, infant hood, or as children. Although some live to adulthood if the lesson they need to teach is to happen during that time in their life. They rarely marry, or marry late in life, although that's not a given either. Some live longer to experience love, marriage and parenting.

Angels who incarnate as human beings may be here just for a short time with a specific mission or purpose. Awakened angels are here is to experience being human, a human body, to feel pain, joy, vulnerability, and helplessness.

Angels are not superior to humans or another life form. They are just that, another life form.  These people still retain a great deal of their angelic power, assuming they can learn how to access it, and often maintain a close relationship with deity and divinity.

Many incarnated angels are also walk ins, meaning they may not have been born as angel, but one walked in to their body when the time was right. Most incarnated angel walk ins are aware of their multiple souls.

Because angelics are so close spiritually to the creator, then tend to be very creative as people.

Communication is often hard for them, so they communicate through music, art or writing.

Many angelics are sensitive to light, sound and touch and may also be classified as crystal children.

Many angel incarnates remember or feel the presence of etheric wings, kind of like a phantom pain that someone who has lost a limb feels. They can see or sense the size, shape, and color of what their wings look or feel like.

As far as halo, well, everyone has one of those. It's the crown chakra just above the top of your head. Angelics tend to have a stronger or overactive crown and third eye chakra and may have weak or underactive base and sacral chakras.

Angelics may also feel confined in their human body, which is one of the lessons they incarnate to learn about. Because of this, their dreams may very often be out of body experiences to ease that restriction.

Angels frequently appear in parallel universes. Our energetic frequency is slightly different; we tend to literally have one foot in two worlds (or more).

Stories of angels appear in just about every religion. And many of those religions will insist that angels will never incarnate, but this isn't true. We have incarnated to teach and learn since the beginning of time, not only on this planet but many other worlds as well.

Some think that angel incarnates are the so-called fallen angels. Again, this isn't true. In the spiritual world there is no concept of good or bad. Evil is only in the mind of humankind, and one of the many lessons to learn to overcome. And one of the lessons angels incarnate to learn to understand.

Duties of angel incarnates can include being a teacher, healer, counselor, watcher, guardian or guide.

Most angelics have a strong connection to one or more of the known archangels.

We are literally spiritual beings striving for an earthly experience.

Earth Angels

     Do you feel different from other people, as if you were dropped off on this planet and wonder when someone’s coming to take you home? If you have a passion and talent for healing, teaching, or helping others, yet you yourself have substance-abuse problems, weight issues, relationships challenges, and the like, then you may be an Earth Angel. If you’re highly sensitive and you abhor (dislike) violence in any form, then you may very well be an Earth Angels. An Earth Angel is a salad with non-Earthly origins.

     Similarly, all of the lives you’ve previously lived have impacted you. And, just as your physical family-of-origin influences you, so does your soul’s family-of-origin shape your looks, behavior, and even your life’s purpose.

     If you’re an Earth Angel, then you’re a powerful lightworker with a legacy of healing and miracles behind and in front of you. You accepted your Divine assignment to come to Earth and spread your teachings and healing energies. How has your assignment been so far? If you’ve had difficulty adjusting to Earthly life, then you’ll probably find answers, Comfort, and guidance by remembering your spiritual origin.

     You may discover that you’re an Incarnated Angel or Elemental, a Starperson, Walk-Ins or a Wise One. You may have past lives on Earth as an Incarnated Angel, Elemental, and such, yet you forgot these. incarnations, believing that your past lives were human.

Characteristics of Earth Angels

Feeling different, separate, or alienated from others. Most of these Earth Angels stated that they feel "different from others". For all of the realms but the Wise Ones, this characteristic continues into adulthood. Many Earth Angels have been teased or verbally abused because of their different appearance, interests, and behavior.

Intense sensitivity to other people, chemicals, or violence in any form. Earth Angels have difficulty being in crowds, feeling bombarded by the overwhelming emotions and physical sensations emanating, from other people. Most Earth Angels have learned to avoid harsh chemicals in their food, cleaning supplies, and toiletries due to distaste and allergies reactions. Violence in any for repels Earth Angels, including arguments, negative media reports, and violent movies. People often tease them for this trait, saying, "You’re just too sensitive!" Yet, this sensitivity is a sacred gift that Earth Angels bring to this planet, enabling them to intuitively know where their services are needed. They couldn’t turn off their sensitivity if they tried

A strong sense of purpose. Even if the Earth Angel doesn’t specifically know what his or her purpose is, there’s a sense that the mission involves teaching and healing others.

A history of frustrating relationship patterns. Earth Angels are often raised by emotionally unavailable or abusive parents. As adults, they may attract abusive friends and lovers. Many Earth Angels have love relationships with partners who are unfaithful, physically or verbally abusive, or noncommittal. Some Earth Angels are "sent" to dysfunctional families as children to ace as healing catalysts. These young Earth Angels feel like adoptees, since they don’t relate to their parents or siblings at all. And truly, these are their physical families and not their spiritual families. Other Earth Angels sign up for challenging family situations so that they can progress extra fast during one lifetime. Only a strong commitment to understanding and healing this pattern seems to break the spell cast over their subsequent relationship.

Strangers telling them their problems, as well as really personal information. Earth Angels have lifelong histories of being approached by total strangers who ask for help or divulge intimate details of their lives. People often tell Earth Angels. "There’s just something about you that I can trust." This tendency is especially true among Incarnated Angels as members of the other realms have learned how they can use their body language to discourage this practice.

Looking younger than their chronological years. Perhaps it’s because they eat more healthfully, exercise, and take care of themselves better overall, or maybe it’s their spiritual outlook, but Earth Angels often appear younger than their chronological age. Nearly every Earth Angel surveyed reported that people are shocked when they discover their true age.

Possibly having a history of personal and familial addictions. Whether it’s food, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, relationships, or all of the above, some Earth Angels turn to outside substances or influences to numb the pain of feeling different and of being intimidated by their life’s mission.

A ringing sound in one ear. Most Earth Angels (though not all) notice a high pitched ringing sound in one ear. The sound may accompany stressful situations, or come out of the blue. Many Earth Angels consider this an annoying distraction, but the ringing is actually encoded information downloaded from the Earth Angels realm to help them rise above Earthly problems, It also include instructions and guidance for the Earth Angels mission. Fortunately, Earth Angels can mentally ask heaven to reduce the volume or pitch of the sound so that it no longer hurts their ears. 

Author Doreen Virtue PH.D>

Book Earth Angels

Assembled by Kat 2006

Monday, April 28, 2014


Perun is the highest, most dominant god in Slavic mythology. Occupying a space akin to Zeus in Greek mythology, Perun is the god of the storms, thunder and lightning with many other attributes as well. Perun is considered a fearsome figure in terms of power, but like Zeus is also fatherly and is the head of the pantheon of gods in the mythology of the Slavs.

Although Perun is the equivalent of Odin in Norse mythology, his appearance is more akin to Thor instead. Boasting a long, copper beard, Perun is a very muscular, rugged man who rides a chariot pulled by a goat buck and carries either a large axe or hammer depending upon the mythological stories that are told. Like the hammer of Thor, Perun’s axe is used to smite the evil and returns to his hand after being thrown.
Essentially, Perun is not only the god of thunder and lighting, he is also the patron of soldiers and noble warriors, the ruling god and keeper of the law and the standard of male power and dominance as well. Perun occupies a familiar place in mythology as a powerful, temperamental god whose actions were based in part on his temper.

As with much of mythology in all cultures, the stories of Perun were meant at least in part to help explain the world in which the Slavs lived. Earthquakes, violent storms and other unpredictable acts of nature were often attributed to Perun and his fiery temper. As leader of the gods, Perun was the most visible example of how their power influenced the world in which the Slavs lived.

The Family of Perun
Perun is the son of Svarog and Lada whose birth was heralded with a might earthquake. Perun is also the most famous of the Svarozhich brothers who rule the heavens. But Perun is also the most powerful and most temperamental of them all which may be why he was chosen to be the leader of the gods in Slavic mythology.

Even as a baby, Perun demonstrated both his power and his temper in stories where he overcame great challenges being taken to the underworld where he slept as his family searched for many years. Perun became a man during his slumber and when finally arisen tremors accompanied his steps. Perun fought the beasts of the underworld and overcame many challenges which led him back to his heavenly home.
There, Perun met the daughter of the sky god, Dyje and moon goddess Divii and married her after overcoming numerous challenges as well. Perun began his reign as the head of the pantheon of the gods, overcoming even more challenges while maintaining his rule.

The Origins of Perun in Slavic Mythology
The myths of the Slavs go back thousands of years, but unlike the Greeks their stories were not written down until roughly the 6th century AD. As these myths and stories were gathered, Perun was the most prominent of the Slavic gods. A Byzantine historian Procopius was the first to record the triumphs of Perun as his exploits were mostly known by Slavs who lived in the eastern sections of Europe. Interestingly enough, Slavs who lived in the western areas of Europe did not mention Perun directly by name, but there are plenty of references that indicate Perun was well known in their mythology as well.

By 980, Prince Vladimir the Great erected five statues of pagan gods as his palace in Kiev with Perun being the most prominent among them. From there, the mythology of Perun became more well known as stories developed over the centuries when Slavs began coalescing their power in Russia and Eastern Europe. From there, the stories of Perun as well as statues began appearing across Eastern Europe and Russia which lasted unabated for a short time until the arrival of the Christian faith.

The Worship of Perun
For Slavs, Perun was certainly a powerful god that invoked many statues honoring his name. In fact, idols made of oak trees or stone were quite common in pre-Christian Slavic culture in the image of Perun. The oak seems to have been the most prominent form in which images of Perun was carved. In fact, many Slav villages would carve an image of Perun into the most prominent oak tree that was nearby where festivals were often held.

Many shrines still exist today located in the foothills, tops of mountains or in sacred groves of ancient oak trees. Wherever there was a general place to worship, images of Perun could be found. Quite often, sacrifices of animals were held as well in offerings to Perun. In fact, in addition to the oak tree, the day of Thursday and the metal tin were also associated with Perun as well.

The Rise of Christianity
Like all myths generated by the Greeks, Slavs, Romans and those living in Europe, the arrival of Christianity dampened the worship of these pagan gods over time. As part of the process, the Eastern Orthodox Church actually incorporated elements of Perun into a new Christian saint, Elijah the Thunderer who was a combination of Perun and Elijah, the prophet in the Old Testament. Elijah the Thunderer is described as riding a flaming chariot through heaven which is a close approximation of the old Slavic myth.

For Slavs in the western part of Europe, St. Michael the Archangel acted as a suitable replacement for Perun as a commander of heavenly armies that conquered and vanquished the Devil. By incorporating some of the Slavic mythology particularly that of Perun, both of the large Christian churches managed to bring in the Slavs to their faith.

It can even be argued that the Christian God himself bears somewhat of a resemblance to Perun in terms of the characteristics that are bestowed upon him although such connections are somewhat tenuous and may be more coincidental in nature.

Today, the rich, Slavic mythology that describes Perun and the Slav gods consists of rich, fertile stories of great struggle and ultimate triumph similar in fashion to the Norse and Greek gods as well.

Information came from the site

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Yes, it is that time for another holiday. I am so excited to share information about this Pagan holiday with you - even though it's not as great as Samhain! I happen to be very new to this holiday as well, so I decided to show an article that was written by Rowan Moonstone that helps to explain this fire holiday further. Enjoy!

Beltane: Its History and Modern Celebration in Wicca in America

by Rowan Moonstone

The celebration of May 1st, or Beltane as it is known in Wicca Circles, is one of the most important festivals of our religious year. I will attempt here to answer some of the most often asked questions about this holiday. An extensive bibliography follows the article so that the interested reader can do further research.
  1. Where does the festival of Beltane originate?
    Beltane, as practiced by modern day Witches and Pagans, has its origins among the Celtic peoples of Western Europe and the British Isles, particularly Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
  2. What does the word Beltane mean?
    Dr. Proinsias MacCana defines the word as follows: "... the Irish name for May Day is Beltane, of which the second element, 'tene', is the word for fire, and the first, 'bel', probably means 'shining or brilliant'."1 The festival was known by other names in other Celtic countries. Beltaine in Ireland, Bealtunn in Scotland, Shenn do Boaldyn on the Isle of Mann and Galan Mae in Wales.2
  3. What was the significance of this holiday to the ancients?
    To the ancient Celts, it symbolized the coming of spring. It was the time of year when the crops began to sprout, the animals bore their young and the people could begin to get out of the houses where they had been cooped up during the long dark cold winter months. Keep in mind that the people in those days had no electric lights or heat and that the Celtic countries are at a much more northerly latitude than many of us are used to. At that latitude, spring comes much later and winter lasts much longer than in most of the US. The coming of fair weather and longer daylight hours would be most welcome after a long cold and dark winter.
  4. How did the ancient Celts celebrate this festival?
    The most ancient way of observing this day is with fire. Beltane, along with Samhain (Nov. 1), Imbolc (Feb. 1), and Lughnassadh (Aug. 1), was one of the four great "fire festivals" which marked the turning points of the Celtic year. The most ancient records tell us that the people would extinguish all the hearth fires in the country and then relight them from the "need fires" lit by the druids (who used friction as a means of ignition). In many areas, the cattle were driven between two great bonfires to protect them from disease during the coming year. It is my personal belief, although I have no documentation to back up the assumption, that certain herbs would have been burnt in the fires, thus producing smoke which would help destroy parasites which might make cattle and other livestock ill.
  5. In what other ways was this festival celebrated?
    One of the most beautiful customs associated with this festival was "bringing in the May." The young people of the villages and towns would go out into the fields and forests at Midnight on April 30th and gather flowers with which to bedeck themselves, their families and their homes. They would process back into the villages, stopping at each home to leave flowers and to receive the best of food and drink that the home had to offer. This custom is somewhat similar to "trick or treat" at Samhain and was very significant to the ancients. John Williamson, in his study "The Oak King, the Holly King and the Unicorn" writes: "These revelers were messengers of the renewal of vegetation, and they assumed the right to punish the niggardly, because avarice (as opposed to generosity) was dangerous to the community's hope for the abundance of nature. At an important time like the coming of summer, food, the substance of life, must be ritually circulated generously within the community in order that the cosmic circuit of life's substance may be kept in motion (trees, flocks, harvests, etc.)."3 These revelers would bless the fields and flocks of those who were generous and wish ill harvests on those who withheld their bounty.
  6. What about maypoles?
    The maypole was an adjunct to the festival of bringing in the May. It is a phallic symbol, and as such represented fertility to the participants in the festival. In olden days, the revelers who went into the woods would cut a tree and bring it into town, decking it with flowers and greenery and dance around it clockwise (also called deosil, meaning "sun-wise", the direction of the sun's apparent travel across the face of the Earth) to bring fertility and good luck. The ribbons which we associate with the maypole today were a later addition.
  7. Why was fertility important?
    The people who originated this custom lived in close connection with the land. If the flocks and fields were fertile, they were ableto eat; if there was famine or drought, they went hungry. It is hard for us today to relate to this concept, but to the ancients, it was literally a life and death matter. The Celts were a very close tribal people, and fertility of their women literally meant continuity of the tribe.
  8. How is the maypole connected with fertility?
    Many scholars see the maypole as a phallic symbol. In this aspect, it is a very powerful symbol of the fertility of nature and spring.
  9. How did these ancient customs come down to us?
    When Christianity came to the British Isles, many of the ancient holy sites were taken over by the new religion and converted to Christian sites. Many of the old Gods and Goddesses became Christian saints, and many of the customs were appropriated. Charles Squire says," An ingenious theory was invented after the introduction of Christianity, with the purpose of allowing such ancient rites to continue with a changed meaning. The passing of persons and cattle through flame or smoke was explained as a practice which interposed a magic protection between them and the powers of evil."4 This is precisely what the original festival was intended to do; only the definition of "evil" had changed. These old customs continued to be practiced in many areas for centuries. "In Scotland in 1282, John, the priest in Iverkething, led the young girls of his parish in a phallic dance of decidedly obscene character during Easter week. For this, penance was laid upon him, but his punishment was not severe, and he was allowed to retain his benefice."5
  10. Were sacrifices practiced during this festival?
    Scholars are divided in their opinions of this. There is no surviving account of sacrifices in the legends and mythology which have come down to us. As these were originally set down on paper by Christian monks, one would think that if such a thing had been regularly practiced, the good brothers would most certainly have recorded it, if for no other reason than to make the pagans look more depraved. There are, however, some surviving folk customs which point to a person representing the gloom and ill fortune of winter being ostracized and forced to jump through the fires. Some scholars see this as a survival of ancient human sacrificial practices. The notion that animals were sacrificed during this time doesn't make sense from a practical standpoint. The animals which had been retained a breeding stock through the winter would either be lean and hungry from winter feed, or would be mothers nursing young, which could not be spared.
  11. How do modern day pagans observe this day?
    Modern day pagan observances of Beltane include the maypole dances, bringing in the May, and jumping the cauldron for fertility. Many couples wishing to conceive children will jump the cauldron together at this time. Fertility of imagination and other varieties of fertility are invoked along with sexual fertility. In Wiccan and other Pagan circles, this is a joyous day, full of laughter and good times.
  12. What about Walpurgisnacht? Is this the same thing as Beltane?
    Walpurgisnacht comes from an Eastern European background, and has little in common with the Celtic practices. I have not studied the folklore from that region and do not consider myself qualified to write about it. As the vast majority of Wiccan traditions today stem from Celtic roots, I have confined myself to research in those areas.
This article can be found at

Beltane, also spelled Beltine, Irish Beltaine or Belltaine, also known as Cétamain,  festival held on the first day of May in Ireland and Scotland, celebrating the beginning of summer and open pasturing. Beltane is first mentioned in a glossary attributed to Cormac, bishop of Cashel and king of Munster, who was killed in 908. Cormac describes how cattle were driven between two bonfires on Beltane as a magical means of protecting them from disease before they were led into summer pastures—a custom still observed in Ireland in the 19th century. Other festivities included Maypole dances and cutting of green boughs and flowers.

In early Irish lore a number of significant events took place on Beltane, which long remained the focus of folk traditions and tales in Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. As did other pre-Christian Celtic peoples, the Irish divided the year into two main seasons. Winter and the beginning of the year fell on November 1 (Irish: Samain) and midyear and summer on May 1 (Irish: Beltaine). These two junctures were thought to be critical periods when the bounds between the human and supernatural worlds were temporarily erased; on May Eve witches and fairies roamed freely, and measures had to be taken against their enchantments.

Cormac derives the word Beltaine from the name of a god Bel, or Bil, and the Old Irish word tene, “fire.” Despite linguistic difficulties, a number of 20th-century scholars have maintained modified versions of this etymology, linking the first element of the word with the Gaulish god Belenos (Irish: Belenus).

The information above can be found from this site

Friday, April 25, 2014

Gods of the Weather/The Sky

Sorry it's been so long! So much has been going on, I will tell you that! Anyway, my main job for all of you these next few months is to introduce you to as many Gods and Goddesses as I can. Why? Because it will help to expand yourself to who your Patron and Matron is, as well as being able to pray to certain Gods in certain situations. This will also help you to open up to different cultures and their Gods as well!

Have you ever just wished you could pray to someone for rain? Have you discovered to which God/Goddess to whom you feel a connection to? Well, take a look at the list below and see who of this list would make the perfect God to take a place at your altar.

Achuhucanac: African Guanche rain god. 

Aeolus: Greek god -- ruler (or king) of all the winds. Since the winds were conceived of as horse-shaped spirits, Aeolus was tilted Hippotades, "the reiner of horses," from the Greek hippos ("horse") and taden ("reined in tightly").

Aide: Basque goddess of the air.

Aether: Primeval Greek god of the bright, glowing upper air of heaven (or light).

Ambisagrus: Celtic god of weather (equivalent to Jupiter).

Amun: Egyptian god of creation and the wind.

Apeliotes: Greek god of the east wind.

Astraios: Greek god of the wind and stars.

Aten: Egyptian sun god.

Aura: Green Titan goddess of the breeze and the fresh, cool air of the early morning.

Aurae: Greek nymphs of the breezes.

Aurora: Roman goddess of the dawn.

Barsamin: Armenian god of weather.

Binbeal: Australian god of rainbows.

Boreas: Greek god of the north wind called the cold breath of winter.

Caelus: Roman god of the sky (although the Romans preferred the Greek name Uranus)

Caillech Bheur: Scottish and Irish goddess of weather, earth, sky, seasons, moon and sun.

Cally Berry: Irish Celtic god of weather.

Chaos: Primeval Greek god of the air (literally the gap between heaven and earth). Chaos was the first of the primeval gods to emerge at the creation of the universe.

Denka: African Dinka god of sky, rain, and fertility

Enlil: Sumerian god of air and storms (means "lord of the wind").

Eos: Greek goddess of the dawn.

Erebos: Greek god of the south-east wind.

Favonius: Roman god of the west wind (although the Romans often used the Greek Zephr in poetry).

Fulgora: Roman goddess of lightning.

Freyer: Norse god of weather.

Gaoh: Iroquois master of the winds.

Harpyiai: Greek Daimons of whirlwinds and storm gusts.

Hekatonkheires: Three hundred-armed, fifty-headed giants gods of violent storms which they released from the gates of Tartarus.

Helios: Greek Titan god of the sun. Brother of Eos.

Hemera: The primeval Greek goddess of the day, born of Chaos and Erebos, who scattered the mists of her sister Nyx in the early morning.

Dies: Roman goddess of the day.

Heng: Huron spirit of thunder.

Hera: Greek goddess of the air.

Herse: Greek goddess of the morning dew

Hesperides: The goddess of the sunsets.

Hino: Iroquois sky god of the spirit of thunder.

Horae: Greek goddesses of the seasons usually named Eunomia, Eirene, and Dike.

Horagalles: Sami paraphrase of Thora Galles or Thoragalles and is another name for the Norse god of thunder (Thor).

Horus: African god of the sky.

Hotoru: Pawnee wind god.

Isaywa: African god of rain, storms, thunder, and lightning.

Iris: Greek and Roman goddess of the rainbow.

Juno: Roman goddess of the air.

Jupiter: Roman god of clouds, rain, thunder and lightning; ruler of gods.

Kaikias: The Greek god of the north-east wind.

Khakaba: African god of rain, storms, and lightning.

Lei Shen: Chinese god of thunder also called Lei Gong or Lei Kung.

Leucetios: Celtic god of thunder and storms.

Lips: The Greek god of the south-west wind.

Lugh: Celtic sun god.

Mungo: African god of rain.

Negafook: Inuit god of weather systems

Nenaunir: African evil god of storms

Nephelai: Greek cloud nymphs

Notos: Greek god of the south wind known as the god of summer rain storms.

Nun: African god of water and chaos. 

Nut: Egyptian goddess of the sky who covers the Earth.

Nyx: The primeval Greek goddess of the night born of Chaos and Erebos.

Perkele: Finnish supreme god of thunder -- originally referred to as Ukko 

Perun: Slavic god of thunder and lightning. He carries a mightly axe.

Poseidon: Greek god of earthquakes, storms, and the sea.

Ra: African sun god.

Rock-Sens: African god of rain, thunder, and lightning.

Saranyu: Hindu goddess of the dawn and the clouds

Sekhmet: Egyptian sun goddess

Shango: African Yoruba god of thunder, storms, war (carries a double-headed axe much like Thor).

Shu: Egptian god of the wind and air.

Skadi: Norse goddess of winter and hunting.

Skiron: Greed god of the north-west wind.

Sol: Roman god of the sun also called Phoebus.

Stribog: Slavic god and spirit of the winds, sky and air.

Summanus: Roman god of nocturnal thunderstorms.

Tawhiri: Maori (ancient New Zealand) god of weather including thunder, lightning, wind, clouds, and storms.

Tefnut: Egyptian goddess of moisture.

Teshub: Hurrian (ancient near east) god of sky and storm.

Theia: Greek Titan goddess of the shining light of the clear blue sky.

Thor: Norse god of sky and thunder.

Uenuku: Maori god of rainbows.

Ukko: Finnish god of sky, weather, and crops. Finnish work for thunderstorm (ukkonen) is derived from his name. Ukko's weapon was a hammer by which he struck lightning.

Uku: Estonian equivalent of Finnish Ukko.

Uranus: Primeval Greek god of the sky (or the solid dome of heaven).

Utixo: African god of rain, storms, and thunder.

Utu: Sumerian sun god.

Varuna: Hindu god of the sky.

Wele: African sky god of rain, storms, and lightning.

Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti: Chinese god of the sky.

Zephyrus: Greek god of the wind wind known as the god of spring breezes.

Zeus: Greek god of clouds, rain, thunder and lightning; ruler of gods.

The information above comes from the site

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ostara and Money Spells

Ostara is the first day of spring. It is a time when light and dark are in perfect balance, yet the light continues to grow stronger. This is also a time for new beginnings. 

Ways to celebrate this holiday is the practice of dying beautiful eggs and leaving them in the forests and gardens for the spirits and little people (Faeries) to find them. An idea that still stands is the practice of leaving dyed eggs in fields to promote fertility of crops and abundance. You can also celebrate by allowing children to find the eggs and then going back and leave the most beautifully dyed eggs for the nature spirits. 

It just so happens that this is another Pagan holiday turned Christian. 

This is also a time for lovers to get together; their celebration often involves love making. This is the perfect time for spells that include financial help, forgiveness, and love. 

Simple Money Spells

The first that I will introduce to you is the simplest of them all! All you need is a candle (green preferred, but white will still work). Now, light the candle for five minutes, blow it out, and "wash your hands" in the smoke of the candle, chanting: Money come to me. You can chant this as many times as you deem needed or until all the smoke has left your vision.

This next one is an old Romanian spell. It MUST be performed at midnight. No exceptions. You will need a green, gold, silver or white candle plus one white votive candle for EACH $100 of which you are in urgent need. Stand them on a plate that you often dine from. That nights' dinner plate works best.

At about a quarter until midnight, sit in a room with no electric lights on and light the green, gold silver or white candle. This is the candle that will give power to the money votive candles. Of course it will also enable you to see what you are doing.

Now work your magic! Pray For a circle of gold light to be placed around you, protecting you. Also pray for a circle of blue light to heal you. In this case, to heal you of distress over money.

Pick up a votive candle and light it from the first candle. While you do this, state that the votive candle represents $100 that you need. It also helps to state the reason that you need the money. Light each votive candle in this way, creating a circle of them on your dinner plate.

Say a prayer stating that you are not being greedy and that you need the money urgently and why. Leave the candles to burn out on their own.

The money should start coming to you immediately.

Another money spell that should work, and is very simple. You should have a piece of paper and pen for this spell. Write money is needed in the middle of the paper then dog-ear it then fold it hot dog style then fold it hamburger style then make sure to bring it everywhere with you. Money should start to appear in a few weeks.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Truth To How A Spell And Happiness Works


Hi everyone! Today is not only my baby brother's first birthday, but it has been the first year and one day that I have been Pagan, and it also happens to be my choir concert. Strange how the Universe helped these events come around. Anyway, you're not here about me! You're here to learn the secret as to how a spell works!!!

Yes, there is magic to it, that is not a doubt in mind. It is a strong belief of mine that magic is real and that it runs its course through everything in the world; we are all touched by it! Imagine that event where something impossible happened, like the girl/boy you asked out actually said yes! Or you found some cash laying on the side of the road. These events are connected. Call it magic, call it luck, but the source of the power all came from you! The secret is you!

"Me?" You're probably wondering. And I answer "Yes! You! All of you!"

Understand, before those small, seemingless events came to pass, I bet you were probably thinking about finding cash or just hoping and wishing really hard that the person you asked out would say yes. The greatest thing a person can have is belief, or faith, if you will. Think about the time you said "I'm going to be rich one day", or "That's going to be my house!". And then you pictured yourself there, in that house, or with all that money and spending it. I bet you probably smiled, didn't you? If you have never done something like this, just wait, I'll give you some exercises to use.

When it comes to spells, this applies immensely. A spell is based off a person's energy. Why do you think we meditate before we cast a spell? Why do we burn incense to calm our nerves, mind, and body? It's because we place ourselves in a better place and a better mood. When you cast your spell, not only are you praying to your God(s) that it works, but you envision it happening! Think about a love spell. There are certain love spells that require you to envision the person you are casting that spell over. Why? So that it can come true!

Here's an example: A few months ago, I cast a spell that was to get a guy that I liked to text me. It worked within five minutes, five hours, or five days (Those of you who have used this spell know what I'm talking about!). Thing was, I really, REALLY liked this guy, and everyday I would think about him texting me and all the things he would say. Within five days, it worked! He did text me back! Yes, the spell worked, but it could not have manifested itself it I had not put my energy into the spell, envisioning the outcome. Because I believed/had faith, I got exactly what I wanted.

Now, this wasn't some high-level witch powers that suddenly came onto me. I've only been a Pagan for a year and a day, I don't think someone could own master powers in that amount of time after casting minor spells. It might be possible, but that's not the point. The point is you've got to believe! Sure, it sounds like a Disney movie about faith, dust, and pixie dust (Peter Pan), but it's the truth! The best part is that this doesn't JUST work on spells, this works on life as well!

Remember those times when we would create a dream board? We would list out the qualities we would want in our mate, print out pictures of the house we would want, the perfect job, the kids. If not, don't worry, I'll explain.

Your 'Dream Board' Project

A dream board is basically a collection of things that you want to achieve in your life, or you just want. Here's a list of things you might want to think about:

  • Dream job (teacher, anthropologist, president, traveler, etc.) 
  • Dream Guy/Girl (qualities, traits, personality, etc.)
  • Dream Car (mustang, tundra, camaro, el camino, impala, etc.)
  • Dream Travels (Egypt, India, Europe, Nepal, etc.)
  • Dream House (mansion, cottage, suburb, apartment, etc.)
Here's some examples of MY dream board (please don't judge!): 

There is so much you can do to create your dream board! These are just ideas! Every time you think "Oh, I wish I could do that", find a picture that relates to it or write it down and post it on your dream board! Hang your board in your office, in your school locker, just in a place you will be sure to see it! I cannot stress how much it is that you have to SEE it, because, every time you look at it, you'll imagine wanting to do everything that's on that board in a blink of an eye; the white-picket-fence house you always wanted, the adventures you wanted to do, the inspiration you wanted to spread through the world!

Now, this does come with a warning. You see, if there is a little seed of doubt that is planted within you that says "This will never happen" then it won't! Thing is, the Universe is working to conspire to make you happy, to give you the things you want. Be it the Gods, be it something beyond our understanding, don't know! I only know that if you believe it, IT WILL HAPPEN. 

Imagine the thing you want most like a seed. You send your energy out into the Universe saying "Hey, I really want to have that El Camino within the next year", the Universe weaves its threads together and that little seed is growing and growing as seeds do. And just as the seed is about to rise up out of the ground maybe a few months later, you start to think "I'm never going to get that El Camino, it's not worth it anymore" the Universe is like "Oh, okay you don't want this anymore" and then just takes the gift back because of your doubt.

I don't know if this helped you very much, or if I explained this very well, so here: Look for the book The Secret. Seriously, I know it seems cheesy, but I have to give credit to its author for this gift of insight. There is so many ways to apply The Secret to one's life, like having positive thoughts for a spell. Just a thought. just an insight for you.

I'll let you in on a little secret of my own: after discovering The Secret, I have never been so happier, nor have I felt so confident or free. Think about it: Our Gods want us to be happy, because if we're happy we'll love them and they'll love us. I know it seems like they're using us, but that's just not it. They truly want us to be happy, because they know how terrible our lives can be, so they are right there, holding their hands out to us, saying "When you want us, when you are ready for us, we WILL help you!" Friends, brothers and sisters, please take their hands, because we deserve to be happy.

Most information comes from The Secret

Friday, February 14, 2014

Simple Love Spells

It's Valentines day, also the full moon is tomorrow, so this is just about the right time to be doing some spells, especially love spells. Let me remind you to not take a person's free will when casting a love spell. Also, it would be a really good think if you just took a minute to meditate on love and the kind of love that you want if you do cast a love spell.

Easy Love Spell To Capture His Heart

Need: White votive candle

On a Friday evening, light the white votive candle saying:
"May this flame of passion burn within your heart,
 from me, you will not part
 with harm to none
 So mote it be - it is done!"
Allow the white candle to burn out while you meditate upon your love.

This next spell is one that I have tried and has worked!!!

Spell to give you a romantic dream about someone.

Because, you know, sometimes you just want one. :) Also, with a few minor adjustments, you can use it to send the other person romantic dreams about you.
Directions: Find something that symbolizes the person you want to dream of, such as a photo, something they gave you, something they said to you written on paper, etc. Just before going to sleep, recall your most favorite memories with them, then hold the object on your heart and chant:
With these treasured memories,
sweet dreams of you shall come to me.
The way you laugh, the way you smile,
my heart, it skips, it leaps a mile.
Your gentle breath, your tender touch,
I long for you, so very much.
Your lips so soft, your eyes so bright,
I need you on this lonely night.
Let me feel you, smell your scent,
taste your mouth, you're heaven sent.
Close me in your warm embrace,
and make my heart begin to race.
Pull me ever closer, near,
tell me what I need to hear.
Fulfill my every earthly desire,
until my passion roars like fire.
As is my will, this shall be done,
my magick dream has now begun!
Put the object under your pillow after reading the chant and then go to sleep straight away! :) Enjoy!

Spell To Attract A Lover With No One Particular In Mind 

At sunset on Friday when the moon is waxing, cast into a blazing fire any five of these herbs: basil, catnip, coriander, ginger, jasmine, juniper berries, lavender, lovage, rosemary, rose petal, violet or yarrow.  You should pick each fresh if that’s practical.  As the herbs burn, recite the following: 
“My true love’s face I’ve yet to see.
I know not what his (or her) name may be.
But soon his (her) heart well beat for me.
Come hither my love.
So may it be.”  

Simple Love Spell

An easy love spell to make will require the following a pen, white paper, pink candle and should be done on a Friday evening. Start by lighting your candle and then with your pen and paper write your first name and you lover's last name. Draw a circle around the names and close your eyes and meditate on what you want and the say 3 times 'our fate is sealed we are one so mote it be it is done'.

Let's try those on for size for today! Also, Happy Valentine's day!!!