Sunday, June 2, 2013

How To Work Spells - Defense and Protection Spells

What we'll be sharing today is important information that could save your life, or someone else's life. Here's what this means: Magic can be practiced as white magic (Like Wicca), and an important rule to always remember is the "Harm None". But there are other branches of magic, and other people who may use magic to harm others. So you need to be prepared, when you enter the magical world, and defend yourself from attack.

Most likely, you want to know how to protect yourself and your family from harm and defend yourself from ALL negative influences in your life (whether it be natural disasters, illness, burglars, or any other tragedy, there are important magical steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones). So pay very close attention, because we are going to learn all those important secrets here, today.

Now, we all know that we have only the best intentions for using magic. We know the really important rule just shared, and we know that we shouldn't use magic in improper ways. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the same idea. And there are many people out there who DO want to use magic for greedy, selfish, and harmful purposes.

As soon as you start performing spells, you step into the magical realm and make your presence known. And this can leave you vulnerable to magical attack by those people who misuse and abuse their magical abilities. Magic, just like driving a car or getting on a plane, has an element of risk attached. And, just like we buckle our seat belts and go through security at the airport, we have to know how to protect ourselves from dark magical forces as well. So, let's get started.

Signs Of Attack

First of all, how can you ell that you are under attack? How can you discover who is attacking you, and most of all, how can you defend yourself?

Not all magical attacks are intentional. In fact, the "evil eye", which appears in many different cultures, can be cast completely unintentionally, and without a spell, just by using the sheer force of envy, hatred, or ill-wishing. Another magical attack can come from people called "energy vampires" who feed on other people's positive energy, literally sucking the life force out of them.

You can recognize an energy vampire because you always feel tired and drained after talking to them, you feel like they take and take without giving back, and they always seem to be radiating negative energy. The best thing to do if you come in contact with an energy vampire is to STAY AWAY. Simply have as little to do with that person as possible.

Now we will talk about the intentional attacks-someone who is performing a spell or other magic in order to take revenge or otherwise cause you harm. In this situation, drastic defensive measures must be taken. First, how can you identify an attack? Well, you may begin to notice things "going wrong" or you may have a string of what you'd call "bad luck". But don't be so quick to write it off as bad luck but take care to make sure that this IS an attack, because a number of unfortunate incidents in a row could e a sign of magical assault. If you are getting the feeling that EVERYTHING in your life is going wrong, I mean EVERYTHING, it is definitely time to suspect magical attack as the cause.

And the sooner you do this, the better. Because if you leave the problem alone, things will go from bad to worse. Don't let it go on! Take defensive action as soon as things start "going wrong" for no reason.

Another sign of potential attack is mental disturbance, like vivid nightmares that keep coming back, a feeling of oppressive anxiety, or being confused, disoriented, and forgetful for no apparent reason. You may also just have a "bad feeling", you may feel like you are being followed or that there is a shadow hanging over you. If you are FOR SURE about these signs, don't dismiss them and say "I must be going crazy!" Take them seriously. It can't hurt to do a protective spell, and it can actually do a lot of good.

A quick side not: The mental signs list above are also signs of a psychological disorder, such as: depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, and ADD. Magic is NOT a substitute for proper treatment and therapy, so if you suspect that you have any of these things, do a protective spell, AND see your doctor.

There can also be physical symptoms of an attack. Headaches and fatigue are the most common. If you are having headaches and fatigue and cannot discover the cause, first see your doctor, and then consider your magical defenses.

You can also sense an attack based on the reaction of the plants and animals around you. Finding more snakes, spiders, and other pests in your yard is a suspicious sign. Magical attacks will almost always affect plants and animals first. And actually many different witches set up an "early warning system" by keeping a plant or two in the house. At the first sign of an attack, the plants will suffer first. Your house plants can actually be very effective "guard dogs" against dark forces, so make sure you water them!

Now, experiencing one or two of these signs can often have a perfectly logical explanation. Everyone gets headaches one in a while, after all, and depending on the season, bugs and spiders may infest your house. Some thing goes for bad dreams, or even a string of bad luck. So don't be too quick to attribute these things to do the work of dark forces. But DO keep your eyes open and be aware. You may generally find that you will get a "feeling" when the signs cross the line from normal bad luck to "suspicious". Stay aware, and stay vigilant, and you should be able to tell a real attack from plain old back luck.

So how do you protect yourself if you are experiencing any of the signs of attack? Well, the best offense is a good defense. That means doing regular protection and banishing rituals, like the ones we will be looking at right now.

Your Magic Shield

One of the most useful tools in defensive magic is your shield. This isn't a specific spell per se, but it is a very powerful mental tool that requires no other supplies except your own will and imagination. Shields are very effective against negative people, energy vampires, and any other negative influences that you want to protect yourself from.

Your shield may take some practice to conjure, but it will get stronger and stronger every time you do it, so don't give up. Right now, we'll be practicing the technique for conjuring your personal protective magic shield:

First, find a quiet spot where you won't be disturbed.

Begin by imagining that there is a flow of energy that is connecting you to both the heavens and the earth. Picture it as a column that runs through you straight up and down. You are connected to the earth, and to the skies above. See it descend from the sky and pass through you down the earth.

As you inhale, feel the power from above and below flow into you. As you exhale, feel that energy move throughout your body, infusing every cell and fiber of your body with power.

Make a fist with your left hand and place it over your heart. Cover it with your right hand and apply pressure.

As you inhale again, feel the power gather around your heart. Direct all the energy in your body straight to your heart.

See a small, gray sphere gather at your heart. Release the pressure on your chest and feel the sphere grow larger, expanding through your skin and encompassing your entire body. Push the sphere out about a foot or two from your body. This is your shield. Imagine that its surface is impenetrable, and that no dark or bad forces will be allowed in. You are safe and protected. You know your shield is there for you.

The effects of the shield will generally wear off in a few hours. You may repeat the ritual again to bring your shield back.l But be careful about using your shield too much. Yes, it will protect you from attack. But because it works against everyone, it will cut you off from the people who mean you no harm at all. Use your shield only when you really feel that you need it.

Protection Spells

Protection is VERY important, so I'm going to be giving you two very simple spells that will keep you safe if you deem it very effective. I'll also give you a website just to help you out. Blessed be!

While sitting or standing before any fire, look into the flames (or flame, if using a candle). Visualize the fire bathing you with glowing, protective light. The fire creates a flaming, shimering sphere around you. If you wish, say the following words (or something like them):

"Craft the spell in the fire;

Craft it well; Weave it higher.
Weave it now of shining flame;
None shall come to hurt or maim.
None shall pass this fiery wall;
None shall pass No, none at all."

Repeat this simple yet effective ritual every day when in need.

Imagine a bright light circling around you and filling you from the inside. Picture something that is warm, safe, and fearless. Once you have that, chant 

"Thrice around the circle bound
Evil sink into the ground"

You can chant this as many times as needed and carry on your way if you are ready. Just something to be very quick and effective.

This is a spell to protect a person from the criticism and hate of another. This spell can be done during any phase of the moon. You must have something that is connected to the person, like a piece of handwriting, a picture, hair, etc. Place this in a container, and set it aflame. While it is burning, chant:
"Away from me
Away from me
Away from me
Away from me
So Mote It Be."

1 comment:

  1. Many youngsters fall in love and they lost their love for many reasons and disturb from our life many are trying attempt to suicide but not used a solution We can take help of astrologer to solve our problems they used many techniques.spell for protection
