Now, with this all you have to do is look for your Sun Sign (Gemini) and it will tell you your Moon traits. I'm very skepty on this example because I know that my Moon Sign is Scorpio, but I still think that this will work. Well, I hope you find something very interesting about your inner selves!
Aires Moon people are active and dynamic and like to stay busy all the time. While you may integrate yourself in the group, you will always remain faithful to your own thoughts of freedom. Consequently, you may tend to think more of yourself than of the group. In such a case, family life and emotional attachments may prove problematic. When it comes to your emotions or the emotions of others, you are often impatient, because emotions can get in the way of what you want to do. You can be prone to irritability, and even rage, but you don't stay angry very long. You are competitive, energetic and brave, the qualities of a good leader. But beware of the flip side, as you can be impetuous and impulsive.
The Moon is in exaltation in this sign. Family life holds a stable place for those of you with this moon, and it is of utmost importance for you. You tend to be a nurturer and are close to nature and earthly pleasures. Serenity is very important to your sign, you tend to put aside daily irritations and don't let yourself get rocked easily. You are conservative, practical and have a good nose when it comes to business, so it is no surprise to learn that you have a talent for making and keeping money. Likewise banking is a good profession for you. Your ideas are well anchored and you develop them before you make decisions.
Gemini Moons represent vivacity and mental curiosity. Your moon sign gives you a quick mind which is witty, bright and verbal, but which can also be inconsistent. You have a tendency to want to dabble in everything, and this can sometimes lead to restlessness. Emotions are enigmatic for you, and while you will be overly curious about someone else's emotions, you aren't crazy about delving into your own emotional responses. Your imagination is lively and you will be drawn to with a preference toward mental stimulation. Journalism is a popular profession because it satisfies the need for mental stimulation through writing, the desire to travel and the discovery of new things.
Leo Moon people have a "theatrical side" which exudes a star quality that, at times, can be on the excessive side. You like to govern and be the leader of the pack. Your sense of confidence and self sufficiency often seeks respect and recognition from others. You tend to be someone who is very giving and who is also loyal and generous to those around you. You can also be dramatic, charming and sometimes hedonistic. The Leo moon governs the heart, so those of you with this sign need to learn to be the center of your universe and to nurture yourselves. If you have this moon, try not to allow your pride to over shadow your personal needs.
Virgo Moon people put themselves at the service of others, as this moon represents fecundity. Those with Virgo moons will bend and give in order to handle whatever comes their way. You like to be ready for everything, but looking after your own health is not one of your priorities. Unfortunately, for all your thinking of others, you also tend to judge yourself quite harshly. You are prone to digestive problems and should pay attention to what you nourish your body with. Your organization makes you very good in business and in working with the public. In your eyes, looking after yourself is often a difficult step, as you often put your work or helping others before yourself. Virgo moons should strive for relaxation and experiment with stress reduction techniques.
The moon in Scorpio is like the Phoenix that is reborn from the ashes. Death and sexuality come face to face in those of you who have this sign. You have strength, perseverance and a capacity to rise above difficult circumstances that would crush most people. However, you have a self destructive side which could be the result of some past trauma, such as buried family problems, and could cause you great emotional disturbance as well as health problems. You grudgingly take care of yourself. The intensity of your sign is responsible for your ability to focus single mindedly, and sometimes obsessively, on specific goals.
Sagittarians are often known to take on long voyages both real or imaginary. Those of you with the Sagittarius Moon are grounded in idealism and optimism and are very open and curious to foreigners and foreign lands. You are very enthusiastic and can be warm and spontaneous. You are extremely philosophical and an upholder of ethical and moral viewpoints. However, you are not to make an emotional commitment with others, nor are you known for your sensitivity toward others. You have a need for liberty and will give and expect the same from those around you. If you have this moon, you should think a little more of your health and not indulge as much.
Aquarius is a progressive revolutionary sign, and this moon sign is a definite mark of independence. Those of you who have an Aquarius moon tend to be unconventional in your manner of doing things. You can be considered rebellious, unusual, modern and avant-garde; however you will never be considered predictable. A true humanitarian, you most likely are most likely a fine judge of character, but where your relationships are concerned, you may seem detached, as you are put off by emotions. Nonetheless, you will always avoid being separated from others. For a woman with an Aquarius moon, it can symbolize a divorce or infidelity, but it can also indicate an ease with public appearances. If you are a man, you tend to be original in your ideas, but at times a little too versatile.
Pisces Moon people are a creative sort who are sensitive, imaginative, poetic and visionary. If you don't inspire to creative tendencies, your imagination is always rich and entertaining. Your understanding is intuitive and on a very universal level, it is no coincidence that many spiritual leaders have this moon. You have a spiritual and almost mystical vision of life and can at times be sensitive to psychic communication. A lot of your energy is expended through your caring for and nurturing other people. However, emotions are a confusing arena for those of you with a Pisces moon. This emotional instability can cause you such problems as addiction, which could be an escape mechanism from your difficulties, or it can result in your aimless drifting through life without establishing a grounding force.
Great, you should have discovered something about yourself! Next post we'll be talking about your ascendant sign...Blessed be!